As I mentioned earlier, they’re back.
The Butler Creek Hot Lips 25-rd, smoke colored, 10/22 magazines from January’s big to do have returned. I have 24 boxes sitting here packed up and ready to go. Each box contains 12 magazines, packed loose (meaning no packaging. If they were still in their packaging I wouldnt be able to fit them 12 to a Flat Rate Box).
Price is $110 for 12 brand new mags, including shipping. Email me and I’ll email you back a link you can pay through email. When they ship you’ll get a tracking number so you can follow along. Email me and say “Dude! Me want mags!”
Customer testimonial:
I bought these from CZ last time the came around (although I only got 10 for the same price…?). Hell of a deal all the same. I bet you won’t find them cheaper and if you do no way your seller will send you a thank you note – with exclamation points!
Quick and easy. Just like my women.
I think youre thinking of the Steel Lips ones.
My women or the mags?