Article – How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

As usual, nails it……..

I’m going to explain the Donald Trump phenomenon in three movies. And then some text.

An excellent job explaining that this previous election was the Democrats Dien Bien Phu in the Culture War.

However, much like the Versailles Treaty, Dien Bien Phu set things up for a larger conflict later.

3 thoughts on “Article – How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

  1. That is the finest piece of journalism I’ve read in years. Maybe ever. And from Cracked magazine no less… unbelievable! Tells you exactly how far the classic media have fallen to be out done by a profanity laced article from a snotty kids mag. Something that is so &%$#@! obvious yet is never so profoundly put. So much for our “trusted 4th estate” Truth is truth no matter the source I s’pose. Thanks for sharing.

  2. But they didn’t lose their minds just this week. They went off the rails f*cking YEARS ago……we’re just seeing how truly nuts they are this week…..

  3. I find it humorous that this angst is all about Trump, but they lost across the board. I heard 700 seats in 2014 and another 1000 seats in government at all levels across the country. If the Dems have such a well recieved plan, that people across the board wanted, why did they loose so many seats in so many areas?

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