‘Tis Election Day. This time the choices are…well…not great. Watching this election season has been like watching two people locked in a cargo container dueling with hand grenades.
To me, this is sorta like changing captains after the iceberg has already hit. The outcome is a foregone conclusion, now it’s just a matter of the route and driver that gets us there.
Here’s my most profound thought for the day: it’s too late to effect any real substantial change that will sway the course to Very Bad Things we are currently on. What you can do, though, is get your ducks in a row and prepare so that the damage is mitigated as best you can. In other words, it’s too late to keep the the ship from sinking, but you still have time to find the lifeboats.
I’m heading to the polls in a few minutes (because I will always vote), but I’ll leave you with this dandy: Didja hear the one about the Democrat in Illinois who said that when he died he wanted to be buried in Chicago so he could remain active in the party?
ETA: When people ask who I vote for, I tell them “The person who won’t raise my taxes, screw with my guns, or hamstring small business”. If they say, “You voted for Trump?!” I reply with, “So you’re saying Hillary will raise my taxes, screw with my guns and hamstring small business?”
Good for you. I also voted Trump. I’m a guy who believes that “the government which governs least, governs best.” Government is going to get a whole lot less done with Trump at the helm than with Clinton. And that’s a good thing.
If we get some conservative judges out of the mix, that’s the icing on the cake.
Im a huge fan of political gridlock.
Hear, hear! If, by some miracle DJT wins, he’ll be the first president-elect to have defeated BOTH political parties.
Ditto Trump
Oh my God, If I hear her say “Mandate” I may have a stroke.
It’s so sad to see the country as divided as it is. Almost as if it’s by design. 😐