Paratus this Friday

As i just said in the subject line, Paratus is this Friday. This is a great opportunity to take the moral high ground and buy yourself that little geegaw that you’ve been wanting…a new LED flashlight, a spare magazine, your own nuclear power plant, whatever.

It’s also a great opportunity to pick up an item or two as a gift for those who aren’t quite on the wavelength as the rest of us. The post about multitools got some comments about how people are always coming to us to borrow our flashlights or multitools because we’re known as the McGyvers of the office/production floor. Well, Paratus is your opportunity to get them a $10 LED pocket flashlight and maybe make converts.

What does the ol’ Zero want for Paratus? Hmm…well, the things I want most are the things I apparently can’t have, so IĀ  need to stick to what seems more attainable… I’d like a lovingly restored FJ40, a chunk of land with a nice house on it, Jennifer Lawrence with a brain disease that makes her an incurable, but monogamous,Ā  nymphomaniac…t’know, the usual stuff.

Paratus is as good a reason to prepare for the election as anything else. For a reminder of what life can look like for us Ballistic-Americans when a Clinton is in the White House you can view this post.

Regardless, Paratus is your holiday. live it up!

20 thoughts on “Paratus this Friday


    $25 for a 5 pack of new/unissued G3 mags from Midway. I have plenty of beaters to use as trade goods if it comes to that. I’ll keep these for myself.
    Our idiot State of Washington AG is making noises about banning military style rifles and 10+ round magazines. Stack ’em deep Washingtonians!

    I kinda like January Jones myself.

  2. Paratus? Sorry, I only had a 12 year U.S. education. I’ve been following this blog off and on (maybe more off) for a few years, but I don’t grok this. Can someone illuminate (inform) me. Many tanks.

    • Here’s the part I don’t understand. In this post, the very first mention, other than the headline, of the word ‘Paratus’ takes you to a link explaining it. SO, if you weren’t sure of what it meant, but you saw that it was highlighted as a clickable link, wouldn’t it seem most logical to click on that link? Additionally, there is a menu bar right above this post that says “Home Contact Paratus 2016 Reviews”…where, again, a reasonable person would assume there would be information about Paratus at the link that says ‘Paratus 2016’.

  3. Cmdr Z: Feel free to delete my “ween” comment at 8:36- not that you couldn’t if I protested šŸ™‚ I wasn’t pushing for an edit but trying to make a funny.

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