
My beloved Tactical Tailor bag has suffered an injury!

I caught the sternum buckle (male end) in the closing door of the vehicle and crushed it into elevntyjillion pieces. Think its a standard 1″ Fastex buckle? Nope! Couldnt find a replacement locally. Had to call TT and they are sending a replacement.


*sigh* Im going to have to either a) order a supply of extra buckles or b) convert all existing buckles to the most common size/type.

Probably both.

OTOH, this is hardly a critical failure.

Just annoying.

4 thoughts on “

  1. Ohhh… the male parts smashed into a jazillion little bits… You couldn’t possibly have phrased that a little more, uhm, ‘delicately’, maybe?


  2. my two cents

    A) I vote for both.

    B) When TSHTF, rigger’s tape (duct tape to you civilian types) and 550 cord work wonders to “adapt and overcome” through all sorts of gear mishaps. Have more than you ever think you’ll need of both.

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