The dream is always the same….

Had one of those end-of-the-world dreams last night. Something, not sure what, was going on in California and the news media were saying how people should be prepared to evacuate and not go near..whatever it was. I was in some supermarket pushing a cart as I watched people blindly knock stuff over in a mad dash to fill their carts. I finally gave up and left when I suddenly realized “Hey, I’ve got a years worth of food already. I dont have to be here.” I returned to the house and the wife was telling me how the lines at the bank were out the door and around the block. We started loading stuff up to leave, stacking up guns and ammo, when suddenly two people (looters, I think) burst in with drum-fed full-auto AK’s and started hosing the place down.

Thats when my phone rang and I woke up.

First dream like that I have had in a while. Scary stuff until you wake up. Nice to see that in the dream I was vindicated about some things, though.

My experience has been that these sorts of dreams usually come in three flavors: the end of the world and Im way undergunned, end of the world and no one seems to react when Ii shoot them, and this most recent one – end of the world and Im hurriedly trying to last-minute shop for stuff.

I’m blaming the Mexican food for this dream.

9 thoughts on “The dream is always the same….

  1. Ugh. I’ll also have one of those “bullets don’t work” dreams every once in a long while. Those are the worst.

  2. I get the dream where I’m in school or at work and I have no pants on. No one notices though and I go about my work/assignments waiting for someone to notice and then cause everyone to notice.

  3. Dylan is peaceful for me. My reoccurring dream is a old CCR song. Run Through the Jungle. I am running in a very dark jungle, find a great hide. They find me. Run again, find a great hide, they find me…………….That dream happens about twice a month. Has for years and years.

  4. I get those. Usually I’m either hitting bad guys or shooting bad guys but neither has any effect on them.

    Maybe it’s some deep seated anxiety about not being ready or not being adequate. Either way, it’s stressful and then I wake up stressed.

  5. I get the dream where I shoot and nothing happens. Only thing is I can see the bullets just making their lazy way to the target. Think Neo slowing down bullets…

    The other dream is I’m running down a wooded suburban street and a crowd of people is behind chasing me. They aren’t screaming, they aren’t saying anything, they are just chasing me down the street.

  6. Or the one where the trigger won’t pull no matter how hard you try, or the one where the bullets fall out of the gun’s barrel?

    My wasteland dream is always a high curving bridge, like a freeway ramp, and it’s so steep I’m sliding and can’t climb it….


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