Stocking up

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Well, it isn’t like food prices are going down, right?

One of the local supermarkets has ben running some pretty good sales over the last week or so. Prices that were just too good for me to pass up. So, when they have Green Giant canned vegetables marked down to $0.39/can wouldn’t you stock up too?

Food prices are only going up, folks. And, if you think that isn’t the case because your favorite product is still the same price as it was six months ago, take a really good look at it….I’ll bet you it’s less product at the same price. In economics we call that ‘a price increase’.

While I certainly have food socked away for the zombie apocalypse, I also have food socked away to avoid getting screwed at the checkout counter. Don’t think it makes a difference? Try this experiment sometime….head down to your local grocery store and price a 1# bag of plain, white rice. Now head down to WalMart or CostCo and price a 25# or 50# bag of the same rice. Do a little math and come up with a price-per-pound. That difference that youre seeing is a pretty good representative sample of why it pays to buy in bulk, shop around, take advantage of coupons and read those annoying flyers in your Sunday paper.

$40 billion a month to buy distressed mortgage-backed securities and that money has gotta come from somewhere…and when that finally catches up to us you’re gonna see that thity-nine cents for a can of vegetables was a bargain compared to the price your going to pay later.