Missile or not, tin foil hattery

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Missile? Contrail? Who knows? Certainly theres going to be plenty of people who are not satisfied no matter what the explanation. If it was someone launching a missle off the coast of California to make a point they dont seem to have done a terribly good job. Even the DPRK, with its Flintstone-technology missile program, can manage to lob a rocket over Japan in a manner that leaves no doubt what it is, where it came from and who pulled the trigger on it.

Regardless, my interest in the event has waned. If it was a missile, it was harmless. If it wasnt a missile, who cares?
I recently ponied up for internet service at my shop. I havent had internet in the shop for several years now, just couldnt justify the expense. So when I started up the web browser all my links were from 2006 or so. Many of them were still good, most of the blogs I read were still there, so it was fun to catch up on stuff I hadnt been reading for quite a while. In doing so, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am probably the most optimistic (which may or may not translate into ‘most levelheaded/pragmatic’) survivalist out there.

How so? Well..I really dont believe the likelihood is very high of:

  • Comets/asteroids hitting the earth and wiping us all out
  • The Yellowstone supervolcano going off in my lifetime to the point that the PNW is turned into moonscape
  • UN/Chinese troops invading
  • Peak Oil (or Peak Rare Earths, or Peak Food, or Peak Freshwater)
  • H1N1/T-Virus/Captain Trips or any other disease wiping out 90% of the population
  • Buddha/Vishnu/Mohammed/Jesus/Xenu/The Easter Bunny ‘coming back’ and heralding the end of the world
  • Armed nationwide uprising
  • Rogue ex-Soviet madmen launching missiles
  • Anything that reduces us to the standard of living, on a nationwide or planetwide scale, that resembles something from Mad Max

Maybe I’m wrong about those, but I dont think so. So what do I think is more likely? Hmmm.

  • Economic issues on a global scale
  • Terrorist events
  • Incremental socialism/communism
  • Localized disasters (earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, etc)

Im sure Im missing a few, but nothing that drops us into living a life like something out of Threads..at least not on a nationwide scale. Yeah, the Yellowstone supervolcano could go off tomorrow and put most of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming into a low earth orbit….but Id say the odds of it happening in my lifetime are far, far lower than the odds of, say, the economy limping along for another couple years of stagflation.

Of course, if the guys who think the Trilateral Bilderberger Illuminati Rothschild Lumber Cartel are coming are correct I’m going to look pretty foolish but I’d say the odds are good it’ll be Hurricane Hillary causing the lights to go out before it’s President Hillary causing it.