Furnace failure, Glock part arrival, dentistry

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Interesting last couple of days…

Was woken up a little before 6am the other day to the sound of my furnace blower motor eating itself. Apparently one of the pulleys that drives the squirelcage blower fractured and threw the whole mess off balance. Keep in mind it was -2 outside and this meant no heat until about 9am when stores opened. House dipped to about 49 before I finally said screw it and broke out the auxillary heat. One kerosene heater later and we were back up to about 57 which is on 6 degrees off from where I usually keep the thermostat anyway. So, got the furnace blower taken care of and all was back to normal. However, it was nice to have the kerosene heater and an ample supply of kerosene on hand to keep the pipes from freezing.


Then my Glock parts showed up today. Im pushing very had for as complete and plentiful a spare parts kit as I can make it. I.m going for a half dozen of the parts that arent prone to breakage and a dozen of the parts that have something of a history of breakage. Today the recoil assemblies (G17 and G19) arrived along with firing pin springs, magazine catches, trigger springs, connectors, etc. About $120 of parts. I need to place one more order and then I’ll be done with the spare parts aspect of the Glocks.


And in other bright spots, I had my freakin’ wisdom teeth out today. Not as bad as it could have been, Im sure. But its still a major drag. In his book, Tappan recommends getting your wisdom teeth out preemptively so that sometday youre not sitting around a campfire with an xacto knife, a pair of vise grips and a bottle of Jim Beam practicing DIY dentistry. I am not that hardcore…I had them out because I was having some other dental work done and as long as theyre rooting around in there with a hammer and chisel I may as well get it all done at once.

All in all, just a few days of annoyances. Im hoping to get out this week and take the new G17 for a spin, play with the PTR-91 with the .22 kit, update a few inventory spreadsheets, order more Glock parts, play with some new products I plan on evaluating and generally doing stuff that I enjoy. We’ll see how that goes.