Diversification – a diversity plan I can support

Ugh…the market is tanking like a Kamala Harris campaign. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, I’m taking about half my dividends and putting them somewhere else other than re-investing them for the foreseeable future. (In times like this when the market is down, it also means that stocks are on sale.) My original plan was to pick up a few tubes of silver rounds. That was the plan. The reality changed when, out of the blue, my buddy at the coin shop texted….

So, when my buddy at the gold shop sent me a text asking if I wanted some Swiss 20-francs at spot, I said …yes.

Can’t eat it, can’t shoot it, can’t burn it as fuel…but it seems to do a fabulous job as money, even if no one knows why.

11 thoughts on “Diversification – a diversity plan I can support

  1. “Can’t eat it, can’t shoot it, can’t burn it as fuel…but it seems to do a fabulous job as money, even if no one knows why.” Gold and silver are the only asset on earth without any counterparty risk – that’s why. Buy them all at that price. There’s a reason gold and silver are mentioned over 400x in the Bible.

  2. Nice score. I’ve made it this far in life by listening to my gut and my gut is telling me to buy junk silver, so I am. Something about Franklin and Kennedy 90% silver half dollars that is satisfying.

    Costco has bullion from time to time but the delivery has to happen while someone is home (signature required), so that is hit and miss, I prefer the local coin shop which is cash and carry.

  3. CZ, is the guy in Missoula still your PM guy? I seem to remember you making a change, but I don’t remember why, and that’s fine. Just wondering as I just placed a rare order for gold with the guy today.

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