Zero Deed For The Day yesterday – ordered up a couple 50# sacks of Montana Hard White Wheat, and picked up 25# of dried corn with another 25# on order. Also picked up a lovel Made In USA 8″ Dutch oven to fit my small Volcano stove. (Those stoves, by the by, beat the hell out of any hibachi that ever lived and are definitely a good tool for cooking in the post-apocalyptic world. Heres their website..check em out) And I also picked up a hard carrying case for my Coleman Dual Fuel lantern…(yes, we can light the night using kerosene, gasoline, coleman fuel, or propane.)
Need to pick up dry ice today to fumigate the dried corn before sealing up the Mylar bags. I suppose you all know about the joys of CO2 bombs, right? You get a 2-liter pop bottle, fill it about 1/4 of the way with warm water, pour in a buncha crushed dry ice, screw the top on tight and run like hell. The things explode with a very authoratative boom.)
Reminds me, I need to cure/treat that dutch oven tonight. A smokey job, but I can do it outdoors……..