Hurricane aftermath

I live in a region that, barring some wild geological experience, will never see a hurricane. I’ve been in some though, back when I lived on he east coast.

I’m watching the news out of the affected areas and I still don’t understand how, when you have several days of advance warning, you havent either A) followed the first rule of surviving a disaster (Answer: Don’ be there) or B) prepared themselves.

I’d mentioned that all these people complaining about their local governments not providing drinking water could have had several cases of the stuff from WalMart all for the price of a couple beers and packs of Marlboros. Someone opined that I was being harsh because perhaps these people were forced out of their houses and had to leave their supplies behind.

Not sure I agree with that. If youre savvy enough to lay in supplies then youre savvy enough to have some packed up for when you need to go go go. And if you’re really that on top of things then you probably have your act together enough to have left the area with your gear to begin with.

But, setting that aside, I am just unable to comprehend how many people didn’t read the blindingly obvious writing on the wall and either beat feet or stockpile supplies.

I am not entirely unsympathetic. Even Burt Gummer wound up basically a refugee when his bunker was compromised and destroyed. But Burt didn’t bitch about the .gov not helping him, and he kept on going. A fictional character, yes…but not a fictional attitude.

But…it’s easy to armchair quarterback things when I’m not the one watching my house float away, but still…where are the stories of the squared away people with their generators and supplies sitting on their porches casually performing overwatch against looters?

2 thoughts on “Hurricane aftermath

  1. From what I understand, the Ashville NC location is an artist colony made up primarily of liberal eccentrics who manufacture ‘art’. So not that much common sense survival skill groups there.

    They had ample time but likely just figured like many ‘It will never happen to me’ until it did.

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