8 thoughts on “Mailed

  1. Yep. And old Joey is going to leave a great paerting gift. Another increase in postage rates. That will make six total in 4 years.
    The genius who old Dummy appointed as Post Master General came up with a great idea to increase profits. Yep. Only a Libtard could come up with this. He wants to slow postal delivery times. So instead of a three day delivery guarantee it will be 4-5 days.
    That’s why it is never ever safe to vote for a Marxocrat-Nazi-Facist.

    • The post office is just another node of surveillance apparatus of the “american stasi”. The postal union backed and endorses the current regime and it’s candidate for your next president. The increased prices and diminished services is part of the looting and stripping of assets of america itself and all of the legacy features and services. The post office has “it’s hands” involved in the mail in ballot schemes, and folks should trust handing over their correspondance to a probable cabal operative posing as a matronly clerk, n.g.m.i. All of which is incentive to prep and prepare, even more so. Get schooled over at (americanstasi.com), so paratus stays a holiday, not reality, keeping you frosty. Thanxs commander your efforts are noteworthy.

      • Your absolutely correct. Unbelievable amounts of video have shown USPS workers destroying ballots. Stuffing ballots down their pants to get them out of the system.
        Three days ago the Postal Workers Union endorsed the dumber half of Biden-Harris. It’s a prime source of election fraud. The Marxocrats have totally turned the Government into a not to be trusted entity filled with globalist assests and indoctrinated idiots.

    • Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt the current Post Master General a major Republican donor appointed during Trumps tenure as President

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