I have a lot of guns. I normally dont give out an exact number, but in terms of put-together-and-not-parts guns we’re looking at somewhere between 100-200. That takes up a bit of space. A good chunk of those guns, though, are packed for storage and the Deep Sleep. Packed away like this or this. But there’s also a certain amount of guns I don’t pack away because a) I want to shoot them every so often and b) I need to keep a certain amount of certain firearms in a ‘ready’ condition just in case Red Dawn kicks off.
So, whats a survivalist to do? Well, after staring at their link in my bookmarks toolbar for years, and drooling over their offerings, I emailed the guys at Gallowtech. I said, look, I’ve got this much wall to work with…here’s the dimensions. What sort of combination of hangars, trim, and panels will give me the most coverage? They were nice enough to calculate it out and even do a mock up for me. The end result is that I’m finally getting some serious weapons rack put in. I just can’t go on with rifles leaning up in corners everywhere, handguns scattered about, and magazines underfoot everywhere.
Details and progress reports as we go along. Tagging this one under the HHG (Harder Homes and Garden) tag.
Super cool! I’m eager to see how it turns out for you!
Very nice system if you want to display and keep organized. I hope you have a safe room to install it in.
Cool ! Storage is one of the enemies of Prepping. Especially when the stored items have a limited life (i.e. batteries – medicines). Happily, firearms are easier to store as long as humidity is kept to a minimum.
I’d be careful about sharing too many details about this though. Could give a criminal element ideas.
I’m currently in the process of having a gun room built in the house – I had the gun safes temporarily relocated to another place (they were bolted down in both), then they ripped out the flooring and drywall, and are doing some electrical mods this week. Getting a vault door installed (in-swinging) in a metal frame into concrete around the door, the outer door will be out-swinging and look normal.
Inside, when done, the safes go back, there will be two benches – one for reloading, one for gunwork, storage, etc. Not quite John Wick’s gun room, but suitable for my needs.
Since I won’t really need to keep the guns locked in safes in a vault room, I may put up something like your suggestion.
Is that you Burt Gummer?
“… rifles leaning up in corners everywhere, handguns scattered about, and magazines underfoot everywhere.”
Why does that sound somehow familiar?
I made a choice long ago that, in my home, I’ll never be more than six feet from a loaded weapon.
Thats fine..problem is I’m never more than six feet from a half dozen of them.
That is a nice problem to have. I have some of the same redundancy, but not to that level. My cover’s off to you, CZ!
“…..somewhere between 100-200.”
May you live 1,000 years, sir.
Zero, just admit you are an addict and buy yourself a 20ft shipping container to bury in the back yard, connected to your basement by a tunnel. Bracken says you can store 2000 AKs in one of those……………At your rate of addiction you might need to upgrade to a 40 footer by retirement…… That system looks like some good kit. How hard would it be to move if you re locate?
Anything that can mounted to a wall can be unmounted from a wall, I’m thinkin’.
Before you commit to anything…consider where you want this wall at…
If I had the opportunity, the location would be behind a movable object…
In other words, a sliding bookcase covering the entrance to another room.