Well that’s embarrassing

I was going to write a post about a piece of gear I have sitting here and I can’t find the manufacturers name on it and I can’t recall where I got it from.

Im going to have to go back through my bank statements…..

11 thoughts on “Well that’s embarrassing

  1. Welcome to my world. It gets worse. The upside is getting packages and it’s a surprise to open them because I forgot what I ordered!

  2. Zero, I am with Jimbo, welcome to the club. LOL I have often puzzled at why a company does not always put a make and model on anything they produce? They are slitting their own throat by not doing that…unless it is garbage and they do not want THAT review to be published.

    • Not necessarily. I often remove labels from gear to ‘sterilize’ it for privacy reasons, or to minimize distracting elements of it’s construction.

      • Zero,

        So do I, that is the buyer’s option. My point is that manufacturer’s should take pride in their product and always mark it with make and model prior to distribution in the marketplace. What the end buyer does with those markings is their decision. If it is a temporary marking and that is removed and then the item is resold; there is a missed marketing opportunity into perpetuity.


  3. ref entering/exiting a room, and wondering, “What was I after”: I’ve heard it called The Portal Effect.

    Interestingly, when I recross the portal in question, I generally go, “Oh, yeah! THAT thing is what I was after!”

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