4 thoughts on “The difference a couple inches makes

  1. I’m glad Trump didn’t die, but what makes you think his survival will have an effect on grocery prices?
    Trump has NEVER missed a meal and has no interest in “Joe Average” once he leaves the voting booth….
    Do you know something I don’t?


    • I know that when Trump was in office inflation was niggling, and I know that when Biden was in office it was at a 40 year high. So, to me, it seems that things like groceries were more expensive under one person than the other.

  2. Heard 1/3 of demtards think it was false or staged. The second shooter who actually had a shot is not being easily swept under the rug. Good thing the FIB immediately started destroying evidence.

  3. I detest all politicians equally .

    BUT : it’s not fair to pin the inflation problems all on Biden when Trump was in charge when they started sticking an additional
    2 trillion into the economy with fake stimulus for rich business owners .

    When you put that kind of money into circulation that fast the inflation is going to come .

    It’s a vast over simplification to say it’s an r versus d thing .

    What it really is is a national mindset of” we’re in trouble and we need the government to fix it “!!!

    But yeah , I’ll take the slightly more conservative president versus the open gun grabbers .

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