Paratus in less than 60 days

This is the annual reminder that Paratus, the holiday by, of, and for, survivalists is coming up in September…..September 20, to be precise.

If you got a card/gift from me last year, and your address has changed, you need to email with your updated mailing information. If I send a gift/card and it gets returned as undelivereable…well…my interest in the matter ends there.  (Looking at you, TOR!)

And, for the curious:

How do I get on the Paratus card list?

It’s pretty simple and blatantly selfish. If you’ve signed up at Patreon, sent me a gift of any kind, are someone I know ‘in real life’, are an ‘internet friend’ with whom I’ve exchanged many emails, or otherwise have interacted with me on more than a casual basis…and you’ve provided an address…you’ll get on the list.

Simply emailing or commenting with your address and “Please send me a Paratus card” will not work.


3 thoughts on “Paratus in less than 60 days

  1. Thanks for the reminder. Man, you are hard to shop for … you got it all Man ! :^)

    This morning, I was also reminded that the 4 year anniversary of the death of the blog named The Woodpile Report (Remus) happened on July 12. I miss that blog a lot, Tuesday mornings was the weekly update if I remember right.

  2. I cannot believe it’s almost that time already – seems like it was just last year!
    Seriously, where has the time gone?

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