12 thoughts on “Video – Biden reacts to having to drop out of 2024 presidential race

  1. Here in the UK on hearing on the TV news “Biden pulls out”. Is it evil of me that what popped into my mind was “If only he had done that nine months before Hunter was born”?

  2. Curious. President Biden announces he’s quitting the race via social media. A letter, not on White House letterhead, which he almost certainly didn’t write himself. Haven’t been seen since last Wednesday, “because he has COVID”.

    Is he alive? Couldn’t he do a short address to the nation? What about “doctor” Jill?

  3. welp, that just about scores Trump the win, people dislike Kamala more that they dislike Trump, just like when he ran against Hillary.

  4. Kamala gives the dems a chance to win now. All they needed was someone who can string 3 words together and the DNC controlled media and ballot box stuffing will take it from there.

    Sorry, but no way is she more hated than Trump. Maybe Kamala’s own staff hates her more than Trump but nobody else does. Most of the women i know despise him and having another woman running gives them a reason to go vote. Maybe that will change when she’s forced to open her mouth and say something but for right now Trump is still more hated by more people.

    Remember the Dems don’t have to win they just have to keep things close enough so that their cheating doesn’t raise too many eyebrows.

    • Duuuuuuuuuuuude.

      She dropped out in 2020 before the Iowa caucuses.
      Before a single primary vote was ever cast.
      She was literally the worst candidate out of a field of 20, and she couldn’t even keep her campaign going for a month. She was the first one to drop out, out of an entire field.

      She wasn’t even going to carry Califrutopia, her nominal home state, where she was the most hated person after Governor “Moonbeam” Brown, the Energizer Retard of governors.

      You have no idea how hated she is.
      She’s lost more staff in 3 years than the crew of the Titanic.
      80:20 that within a month, people are pining for Poopypants to return to the campaign, Parkinson’s, dementia, and all, as an improvement over walking sh*t-for-brains Senator Kneepads.

      Biden could at least blame being a nothingburger on his Alzheimer’s.
      Kneepads has no excuse for being a walking, cackling cipher.

      Her numbers go nowhere but down, down, down.
      And at a debate, she’s going to be more cringeworthy than Biden, by a country mile.

      She’s going to be the president (acting), allright, but only for about 15 minutes, once Jill Biden has a come-to-Jesus moment, and Poopypants is removed from office via the 25th Amendment, or he simply resigns.

      If he’s still being propped up by Labor Day, you should be very scared for your actual survival.

      If they manage to margin-of-cheat her into office, he resigns the day after the election, and she becomes President nearly 3 months early, with the same cabal of people behind the scenes continuing to run this country off a cliff.

  5. It’s just been pointed out to me that him dropping out at this time means she gets the job as there is no one other than her in the running. If he did what he had said he would and only go for the four years, no way would she be their next pick. Even dropping out four weeks ago the odds are some one would have run for it and won.

  6. Lawsuit against knee pads absconding with $91mill campaign war chest from “Biden For President”. Bathhouse Barry just endorsed her but may be a position to either fully claim a 4th term of destruction or readying a knife in the back. Democrats may have campaign finance trouble, see James Okeefes Media Group for investigating obvious campaign fraud,he is seeking volunteers to document unusual donations(vacant addresses,multiple daily small donations adding up big,usual violations), just knock on local doors and confirm if records correct or false. She may have upset PM Genocide by not following her script after his interview,she may have to rely on her in-house AIPAC connection.

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