Article – A man kills a grizzly bear in Montana after it attacks while he is picking berries

This actually didnt happen all that far from here.

A man picking huckleberries in Montana shot and killed a grizzly bear after it attacked and injured him badly enough that he had to be hospitalized.

The 72-year-old man was alone when the adult female charged him Thursday. He killed the bear with a handgun, according to a Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks statement Friday.

The attack happened in Flathead National Forest about 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) north of Columbia Falls, a northwestern Montana city of about 5,500 people, according to the state wildlife agency.

For bear deterrent in the woods, I have two options. A handgun is no one’s first choice for defending against a bad-mood bruin, but sometimes you just can’t carry an HK91 everywhere.

How do handguns stack up against bears? Glad you asked. 


13 thoughts on “Article – A man kills a grizzly bear in Montana after it attacks while he is picking berries

  1. Well thanks to the idiots ( DEI hires) at the Dept Natural Resources the number of bear encounters in Michigan’s lower pennisula are on the rise.
    I’m South of Battle Creek. About a dozen years ago a three year old bear was shit by a city police office as is was wandering through a populated area.
    Where I live we already have a generous supply of coyote and Bobcats.
    In Hastings about the same number of years ago. A two year old was hut by a car in front of the Hastings Township Cemetery where my gggrandparents are buried. If that bear was still with the sow you can bet there was her and at least two cubs as well. Grand Rapids has so many bear encounters they don’t even make much of a fuss over them.
    Bears are fine in a zoo. But since I have no desire to hunt them for food. I’d rather they stay in the Upper Pennisula.

  2. It seems like everyone around here (inland PNW) has a 10mm or 44 Mag for their woods gun. I went a different route. A little research shows the 45 Super looks capable and I already had a suitable host pistol with an S&W M&P45. All I had to change was the recoil spring. Now I can launch 255gr hardcast bullets at 1075-1100 fps. I feel like I have enough gun when traipsing around in North Idaho.

  3. Then there’s the case of the guy up in Kodiak who was hunting rabbits with a .22. He encountered a grizzly that decided to chase him down. He took off running, not looking where he was going. He ran off an embankment and landed about eight feet down on his back. He looked up and saw the bear stick its head out over the edge of the embankment. The guy still had the .22 in his hand so he shot the bear through the bottom jaw. What the hell else COULD he do? The bullet went through the bear’s upper palette and killed him. God looks after drunks, fools, and small children… Don’t EVER go into the woods in bear country with ONLY a .22!!!

    • there was a technique taught long ago dealing with a dog attack, guess it could work on a bear or cougar in a pinch. Give it your left forearm, hopefully it will latch on, when it does come up with your knife through the bottom jaw and up into the soft palette and into the base of the brain. Supposed to be a quick kill.

      G. Gordon Liddy spoke of the same style, only using a pencil or pen, on an enemy spook.

  4. Just north of Jackson, WY a man once killed a grizzly bear bare handed. He shoved his hand/arm down it’s throat and bit it’s neck cutting off blood to the brain and it passed out. He then beat it to death with a stick. If I recall correctly that happened during the 1970’s. The incident was actually investigated and the man’s account was confirmed. There is actually a historic site type of sign explaining it. The incident can be found with an Internet search.

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