Nailed it

From Saturday’s post:

Its just a matter of time before the left starts saying how it was ‘an inside job’ by a Trump stooge to ‘near miss’ the the former President to make him look tough.

and today:

News website Semafor reported that Mehlhorn, in an email to some sympathetic journalists and supporters, said there was a possibility “that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash.”

If you really wanna go for the double-layer of tinfoil, wrap your head around this: it, in fact, was a ploy by the Trump team to make their guy look tough. They were gonna pull some patsy out of the woodwork, give him a rifle with blanks, have him take a shot, get popped by snipers, and Trump would look like a hero as he clutches his ear with a hidden razor blade in his palm to draw some blood. BUT….one of Trumps team was working for the other side and at the last  minute they switched out the blanks for live ammo and it became the real deal.

Yeah, I don’t believe that either. But I’ll bet someone, somewhere does.

28 thoughts on “Nailed it

  1. I’ve just seen one where someone said “We don’t even know if the target was Trump, it could just be a random shooting”,

    • Now I’ve seen one that went on about the Fist-pump and how Hitler was known to do that, with one photo of him doing it, so that proves he’s the same as Hitler. There is also one with “Why are all the photos of Trump fist pumping and not the actual Heil Hitler salute he followed it with?” It’s Nuts.

  2. Absolutely it was an inside job. By the Sercret Service. They actually diverted a large number of Trump’s security detail to cover Jill Biden the Worst Lady.
    Now figure this. Last week Old Dummy and she where in Detoilet on the west side of my state. In the area I refer to as the Bolshevik corner. They had a rally in a school gym that held 600 people. They got about 120. Which is average for this gas been never was idiot.
    So. Trump was expecting at least 50, 000 people. Maybe more. Why woukdcthey divert manpower to cover the Worst Lady with 120 Libtards. And leave the security detail for Trump so light.
    Biden knows he can’t beat Trump. He didn’t beat him in 2020 as the huge amount of evidence we know have has proven. More comes out weekly. So. Either old Dummy made the call. Or his power mad worst half did. She does not want to leave the White House and she will stop at nothing to stay.
    I’m old enough to remember when the party of Marx killed their own President. He wanted out of Vietnam. His Vice President had to much to lose if we left. That day had a very profound effect on me. I have read hundred of books. Listened to hundreds of hours of interviews and testimony. My conclusion is LBJ headed a conspiracy along with the CIA, FBI and Secret Service to eliminate Jack Kennedy. My research has uncovered so many different areas of proof as to what really happened. Oswald was in the subbasement lunch room when the shots were fired. He, along with his coworkers were having lunch.
    I’m rather glad that RFK Jr is running for President. He has given several interviews and he has confirmed several of my conclusions and hypotheses. Thanks to him I find I have been more right then I even knew. Lyndon Baines Johnson was responsible for all three of the political murders in the 1960s. Both Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King.Jerome Corsi has a new book due out soon. It covers the Kennedy faked autopsy as well as several xrays that were compromised by the X-ray techs.
    Most conspiracies are like onions. You have to peel back layer after layer.
    I’ve seen this before. And it’s always those with the most to lose at the center of the entire thing. As my Criminology instructor said. When nothing makes sense. When the evidence doesn’t point to a clear suspect. Ask yourself this. ” Who benifits”. Normally that will lead your to the correct answer.

  3. Ok . But . How do you leave a rooftop at 140
    Yards unsecured .

    Are you going to suggest the entire
    Secret service team was either bought off or completely incompetent?

    That’s the one I don’t get . If you’re gonna set something up it should pass the sniff test . How in holy hell did this shooter climb a building and the snipers don’t see if if they are scanning the area ??

    • Im not saying thats what happened. Im simply saying its a possibility that someone will wind up believing. But, to answer your question, I’d imagine that a Secret Service detail is comprised of people who are pretty well disciplined and very aware of chain of command. If Steve sees a guy on a roof over there and points it out to his commander and Steve’s commander says “dont worry about it, he’s not a problem. Just focus on your assigned field” then I’d say Steve is probably gonna follow his orders and get back to his tasking.

    • The Secret Service advance team that came in 4 days earlier had thst roof top marked as needing to be secured by law enforcement. Most likely Secret Service. Today the Equity Hire is saying it was left because the pitch of the roof was to severe. My ass. That roof was nearly flat. Just enough pitch to drain away the water. To top it off it was revealed today that this punk actually brought his own ladder with him. And nobody saw the little asshole dragging that up to the side of the building.
      If the original agents had been left in place instead of being diverted this might not have happened. It will take time. But hell the Federal Bureau of Intimidation is on the job so I’m sure the investigation will go smoothly. The report will be written by the best fiction writers on the Gumit payroll.

    • Jess:
      Not all. Even now, not all the Secret Service are evil or incompetent.
      All it takes is one crook at the top setting perimeters and coverage.
      Probably a Biden appointment.
      Someone should be out on their ear for this (no chance of a prosecution).


    • You tell everyone that asks that it is covered. If anyone really starts pushing…..well, there are various means to gain obedience, compliance, or silence. The Yancey case for instance.

  4. But I’m guessing trump doesn’t volunteer to have a real
    Bullet go through his ear . So maybe the conspiracy was to actually kill him and it failed .

    • Im pretty sure wouldnt volunteer to have a bullet through his ear either…which is why he’d grab his ear and nick it with an instrument to draw blood so it looks like a bullet wound without actually having to risk getting shot.

    • I don’t know about him. But when I got shot it hurt like a sonofabitch. And that was a ricochet. It didn’t break the skin but it sure turned some odd shades of purple.

  5. Biden benefits somewhat bc no one is talking, about his cognitive issues now. If Trump were to stage this he would have picked a time when Biden was up and he down. I like conspiracy theories a lot but this one doesn’t really make much sense to me

    • Well. Old Joey has been diagnosed with COVID19 again. That’s like 5 times. You would think his Chink Masters would have given the same vaccine they take. Just saying.

  6. The current story out about the shooter mirrors exactly what they said about Lee Harvey Oswald. This kid tried to join the high school rifle team. Can you believe that. They actually have a highschool rifle team. The claim is he couldn’t shoot. Washed out.
    They said the same thing about Oswald. Remember. He was a Marine. What good is a Marine that can’t shoot. That would have sent him home in that era. It’s an unfortunate fact that since 1963 and after reading that bullshit in the Warren Commission Report. I don’t trust anything the government tells me. The House Committee on Assasinations Report comes closer. But there are still deficiencies.
    I can tell you this. The US government still has documents pertaining to the Abraham Lincoln Assassination under lock and key in the National Archives. Why? I have no idea. But during a phone conversation with them I just casually asked if it was true. Answer. Yes, we have files on the Lincoln Assassination. But they are never requested. I asked how to request them. Answer. I’m not sure what the process would be. Or if one exists. They are never requested.

    • One of the guys who ran the team said he could not shoot and was the worst shoot he’d ever seen, it sounds like it was one of the schools that everyone who wants in the team gets in.

  7. So this guy who went to the best schools and did well, then onto prestigious school of business, who has employed thousands, became a billionaire and a celebrity, who neither smokes, or does drugs, or drinks alcohol, has won the adoration of many from all walks of life, is probably the most investigated man on earth, by those ruthless to make hay of any fault they could find in him, but having not found even one, has overcome every obstacle, has long indulged in charity to many, is now off his rocker and a cutter? All for the illusory glory of competition.

    Now THAT’S a whopper!

    • That’s the setup excuse for assassination attempt 2.0. Some dusky type with a semtex vest and a surname ending in -ian shrieks aloha snackbar, and the long drooled for war with Iran can kickoff. Inauguration will be fun…bring a gopro and a first aid kit.

    • Actually the threat from Iran was uncovered in 2022. It includes Mike Pompeo and two other Trump administration members. Nothing new. Just more bullshit to try and cloud the issue and keep attention away from the real culprits.

  8. Since FJB is very unpopular and refuses to relinguish the office to another candidate, pray that his security detail is honest, moral and competent. The regime running our country will not surrender their agenda to President Trump and must win in November…at any cost.

    • Are the praetorians true believers? In the worst case, are their loved ones so far removed from their own circle of influence, but within someone else’s circle, to consider them compromised? Nice family you have there. Be a shame if it didn’t go so well with them. Overlap those circles. Someone, somewhere, is the damocles sword over someone because somewhere else another sword is also dangling.

      Extrapolate various scenarios short of that, or beyond it, or both, even now, and getting worse into sporky time. Factor in addictive drugs, vital medical needs…..and evil principals with no scruples and everything to lose. Consider the recruiting pool…some of those praetorians will torture and kill because they like it, and have been bred to it.

  9. Blame it all in Jimmy Carter. He defunded and closed all the mental hospitals. Then lots of the moved to Commiefornia and ran for office and got elected.
    The one thing these idiots should be thankful for. Had this turned out tragically. We would have taken one more step to a second civil war. But that’s what it may take to get these fools and idiots to back off and leave us the hell alone. They have been asking for this since the 60s. One day they may unfortunately get what they really don’t want to see. They are all the prime example of Their brains on drugs.

  10. Here in the UK I’ve just heard on the TV news “Biden pulls out”. Is it evil of me that what popped into my mind was “If only he had done that nine months before Hunter was born”?

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