Never let a crisis go to waste

Some events are so big that they cause even the most disparate political forces to agree. After the 9/11 attacks there was a ‘honeymoon’ period where both sides agreed on various things that they normally would not agree upon. These periods always eventually dissipate into the usual partisanship, but not before the newly-discovered-common-ground crowd has done their damage (cough*PatriotAct*cough).

Early reports are saying this kid used an AR-platform of some kind…I’m betting .223 and not something with more zip like a .308 or Creedmoor). And, if it was an AR platform, this might be the impetus that gets us back into Assault Weapons Ban II.

No one condones assassination as a form of remediation in domestic politics. At least, not officially. And no one is going to come out and support that sort of nonsense (well, maybe a few people here and there). So, when some schmuck like Schumer, or one of his fellow travelers, starts clamoring about how ‘both sides must unite to stop this terrible threat’…there might be that ‘unity across the aisle’ moment. After all, if you couch the whole thing in the idea of ‘preserving democracy’ by getting rid of these ‘assassination weapons’ and you don’t support the program…well, then the terrorists assassins have won.

“Never let a crisis go to waste” is the mantra over there. You watch…it won’t be long before this event is used as the impetus to push for some sort of gun/magazine ban. As more details about this event come out you’ll see the pointless questions like “where did the shooter get the gun” and that sort of thing. Then it’ll be a shift into ‘gun safety’ measures with laws being proposed that no politician will be able to oppose without looking like they’re condoning this behavior.

Or maybe not. I’ve been wrong before. But what Im not wrong about is that there are going to be people in Washington who are going to grab this opportunity and public outrage to try and push forward an agenda that might otherwise have not gotten much traction.Probably about guns, but other things are possible too.

I’ll be curious to see what gun/mag vendors pricing and inventory looks like over the next weeks.

14 thoughts on “Never let a crisis go to waste

  1. Be ahead of the curve. Write senators and representatives today to encourage them to lead by example. When the Secret Service, Capitol Police, FBI, US Marshalls, CIA, State and Local police, etc. give up their weapons then they can deal with bad guys the same way a disarmed America would have to.

    Stopping criminals from having firearms will be about as successful as the war on drugs and controlling the border.

  2. Just think of the riots that would be going off if it was the other side, yet all we ever hear is how violent the right are!
    As I’ve said many times in the past “If the Right are so violent, how come Jane Fonda has not been worm food for these past 50 plus years?”.

      • I read ones (I think it may have been written by Jeff Coopers) that one of her many fans loved her so much he was planing to pour a bottle of 20 year old Single Malt Whisky over her grave, Just to make sure he was going to give it one last filter through his kidneys.

  3. There is no question that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is a despicable act but the actions of the American Gestapo (FBI) in the aftermath is even more despicable and terrifying. Rushing into the neighborhood of the home of the shooter and forcibly throwing residents out of their homes in the middle of the night is identical to the actions of the Nazi Gestapo in Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s. I admit I don’t have all the facts yet, and the government probably won’t give them, but based on the history of the American Gestapo (FBI) and American SS (DHS) in the Boston marathon bombing and Hurricane Katrina I have no doubt residents in the area of Crooks’ home were treated less than civilly in their forced evictions. Be alert people….America has already decended into the tactics used by Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Rusia.

    • Hi Luke,
      Ever notice how when someone gets “swatted” and killed, it is not the mayor or the county commissioners? Ever notice how the person swatted and killed is just some average working Joe? We do not matter to the establishment as I am sure you are aware. We are collateral damage at best, or maybe a warning. The Japanese have a saying, “the nail that sticks out attracts the hammer.” We need our constitution returned to us, but I do not see our masters doing that, ever, unless forced to by the citizens, which I do not see happening either.
      This has been a depressing weekend for me. He said it, “In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you — and I’m just standing in their way.”

  4. I read today that a local cop went up on the roof where the gunman was , the gun man confronted him and he retreated. The gun man proceeded to kill one and sound Trump and someone else. He carries a couple of guns , is authorized to kill , but he backs down. But they want your guns.

    • If I had climbed a ladder and come face to face with a guy pointing an AR at my face I would have dropped out of his line of fire with some promptness too.

      God made artillery, snipers and other supporting arms for a reason.

  5. i don’t know about ar’s but several of my ammo suppliers are shut down to catch up with shipping or posting notice of long delays in shipping. mags will be next. better top off if you have room to stack them.

  6. The Left is already trying hard to push this.

    What’s-his-fuckness “Joe in the morning” on MSNBC was going on and on about “within range of an AR15” and similar nonsense with “AR15” embedded all day. As if the range and lethality of an iron-sighted 5.56mm AR was somehow impressive compared to any other centerfire rifle. President Trump would almost certainly be dead if Antifa soy-boy had had a .223 Remington bolt-action or a plain old M94 .30-30 lever-action deer rifle with a $40 Tasco scope mounted on it.

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