Government through attrition

Its just a matter of time for the left starts saying how it was ‘an inside job’ by a Trump stooge to ‘near miss’ the the former President to make him look tough.


They’ll trot out that Trump is so evil that even the people on the right want him off the planet


They’l say this was an inside job to discredit the Left

Buckle up, its gonna be an interesting news cycle.

22 thoughts on “Government through attrition

  1. and the way the secret service paused and let him wave his fist to the crowd looked like it was staged. Typically, they hustle the primary off faster than that. Maybe the hottie hugging him around the waist had trouble with his weight.

    • They have earpieces, they know exactly the sitrep in real time so no, that’s not huge. Allowing this scum that close with the rifle, THAT is significant.

  2. Head of the SS should resign; proximity was inexcusable. Trump was incredibly lucky. Hand of God lucky.

  3. There’s no way they can “Whitewash” this.
    Their only hope is to say it was a single insane individual – not ordered from the top.
    Yeaahh… Right…

  4. How is a shooter on a rooftop anywhere near that rally and no one knows?
    Where’s the over watch, drones, helo’s?
    This is a security failure.

  5. Mr Obvious says, “the SS, FBI, DOJ, and Homeland security are all in on it”.

    • I wonder if perhaps this was an Oswald/Ruby kind of thing…. Secret Service knew he was there, they wait until he’s taken his shots, then kill him to tie up a loose end.

      • It’s been on the BBC of all places ,here in the UK film of people telling the s.s. and police about him some minutes before the first shot was taken.

      • CZ – Exactly! The counter sniper team was glassing the “shooter” for several minutes before they engaged him.

  6. The whole “right wing conspiracy to make the Donald look good” is hard to buy, given the nearness of the miss. If you want to read a more plausible version of that one, Donald Hamilton’s “Line of Fire” from 1955 has that scenario driving the plot. IIRC, a gunsmith is hired to fire a near-miss at a politico. He aims well off the mark, but the politician makes a wild arm/hand gesture at the wrong moment and manages to get hit.

    It’s a good book. Hamilton wrote the Matt Helm novels, and he was an avid hunter and shooter, so his books sometimes had a scene with a character setting up a long-range rifle or comparing handgun calibers or some similar gun-nerd content, along with gun fights, knife fights, sex, and all the other stuff that sells those kinda’ books.

    • I think it’s implausible, and I didnt give any indication that I believe that is what happened. I’m simply saying the left will throw every possible theory against the wall to see what will stick, no matter how absurd, and this will probably be one of those theories.

      • Hi, CZ,
        Never meant to criticize you. I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear. I agree: they’re throwing everything against the wall right now. Only those with no shooting experience (and little common sense) can believe the “false flag by DJT’s people” theory.

        Hamilton’s novel shows how that type of plan, even with a very competent shooter, could very easily go awry. Only a very foolish person, or a hardcore Leftist–but I repeat myself–could see such a plan as a plausible idea.

  7. It’s now around 24 hours from when it happen and everyone of these has been used on the news here in the UK, with more than a few saying “The only one to blame for this is Trump”!

  8. I would like to see a map of where the victims at the event were sitting. From the videos I’ve seen, it looks like people were hit from two different directions of fire.

    Also, today on Glen Becks radio show, a reporter was interviewed that was near Trump and said two different types of gunshots were heard from different directions.

    First reports also said possibly two shooter’s.

  9. All that is needed to utterly discredit the “intentional near-miss” silliness is some knowledge of the mechanical accuracy of the platform involved.

    The rifle used has been reported to be an AR15 purchased by the shooter’s father, circa 2000. Well before the days of serious match-grade accurizing of ARs. Mechanical accuracy with the finest ammunition on the market is thus likely in the 2-3 MOA ballpark.

    A rifle fitted with iron sights.

    Shooter reportedly bought “50 rounds” of ammunition shortly prior to the shooting. That strongly suggests that he was using white-box generic M193 or M855 clone ammo — stuff notorious for mediocre accuracy — and did not have time to zero the rifle for it.

    So before finger touches trigger we are already speaking about a rifle, sight and ammunition combination that would be unlikely to do better than 4 or 5 inches at 100m in the hands of the finest sniper on the planet.

    In the hands of a crap shot — such as everyone has described him to be — it is impossible that an intentional miss was fired.

  10. I worked with the Secret Service on a couple of occasions in the 1980s.

    There is no believable chance that they were this incompetent by accident. The noise about “they though the shooter was a police officer” are preposterous. Any local LEO in an overwatch position would have been in uniform and also wearing the Secret Service recognition tag of the day — they issued us small distinctive pin-on insignia to wear in a prominent place — and the officers’ locations would have been well-known to everyone else.

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