The Riddle of Steel

Just to show that guns aren’t the only things I spend my money on stupidly.

Lovin’ from Zombie Tools. Belmont, Field Utility Knife, and the wickedly vicious Mauler. I do believe I’d rather get shot than have someone rake me across the belly with that thing.

Unless they come out with some new designs, I think I’m done for a while. Got my gladius and falcata a couple months ago. I took this photo of the cugine (genuine NJ Italian boy) in accounting holding the new ZT swords when I picked them up on my lunch hour.

My boss has been cool with weapons at work, but I suspect that even he is starting to wonder what the hell that guy in office #3 is up to.

If the world ever turns into an SM Stirling novel, I reckon I’ll be ahead of the curve. Or if I wind up living a life without boomtoys like the simps and cucks in the UK.

16 thoughts on “The Riddle of Steel

  1. Them is cool and ‘pointy’. Thanks for the photos of them. That karambit looks particularly vicious and would give Freddy Kruger the Willys …

    I don’t consider excess knives an eccentricity. Some folks will collect Lego Art pieces and pay lots of $$$ for them as well. Meh – their $$$, spent on something that makes them happy is their concern.

  2. I have the Zakasushi and the belt knife of the same design and the Mauler. They are all good steel and well balanced. They appear to work very well as I have never encountered a Zombie! I will buy one more long sword and then I’m done. Great fun. TTFN

  3. As a blade aficionado myself I fully approve/appreciate these excellent edged weapons/tools. In a crisis/ survival situation the last thing you want in your hand is a broken/dull/ half assed knife( or sword, machete, etc). You have covered the bases well Zero.

  4. “…The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one – no one in this world can you trust…” Conan the Barbarian

  5. You know, what you should do is a photo of you in full camo and tac vest, holding the gladius in a star wars guard position, with a meme comment of:Wait, do I hear the ATF at the door.

  6. Love the edged/pointy things, CDR Z! Your knife budget exceeds mine, but I still enjoy seeing them.

    I have the 14″ Condor Salvador Machete, which had on sale once for $30! It’s a heavy duty blade, and much more substantial than the “paint can steel” found in your typical Walmart. Even better is the Condor Barong–a large, leaf-shaped blade that just seems right to someone who’s spent time in the Filipino martial arts.

    I’ve also made some pila–Roman javelins–and believe a short spear would serve a person without a firearm better than a sword or a heavy-duty ‘chete. I’d choose a sharp, double-edged spear point, with an overall length of around 4 feet. Use it like a bayonet-equipped rifle. It’s much faster and more agile than a rifle w/bayonet. The short spear has a reach advantage over most swords, but you can choke up for close quarters, if needed. A collar-type hand stop at or very near the butt end allows use like a pool cue for very quick, surprising thrusts with more reach than an opponent would expect. My favorite weapons in the SCA were long spears and other polearms. I made far more “kills” in large melees and battles (with hundreds on a side) than I ever did with a broadsword or short sword.

    I think about this stuff way too much!

  7. Practicing a sword art now. Korean East Sea Sword. Good work out. Not sure I will ever get as good as the guy running the class but if it comes down to it I should be a danger to someone other than my self

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