Conspiracy theory for the day

We are all familiar with the WTF-was-that that was Biden’s performance at the debate the other day, right?

Here’s my theory: the people in the DNC and related machinery desperately want Biden to drop from the race because he’s looking more and more unelectable. Problem is, you can’t fire him..he has to quit. If you fire him, it looks like mutiny and trashes the image of Democratic solidarity in the party.

So…they cut back Biden’s dosage, maybe not prep him as much as they could have, and let him go out there with plenty of rope to hang himself. He does such a lousy job that everyone starts saying maybe it’s time for him to go. Now it doesn’t look bad if they push him out, in fact, it makes the people doing the pushing look like noble heroes. Or Biden takes the opportunity to ‘suddenly’ have a ‘medical issue’ that gives him the ‘peace with honor’ avenue of quitting.

So there you have it.. My conspiracy theory for the recent debate: ‘they’ let Biden hang in the wind to expedite his departure as the nominee.

Or…maybe they really were just that incompetent.

30 thoughts on “Conspiracy theory for the day

  1. The party is fractured with those closest to power, protecting Biden (they know they will be prosecuted) and the moderates (haha) who know he’s incapable but they can’t force him out, so the debate was to oust Biden knowing he couldn’t fight the contest.
    The debate also forced the MSM to tell the truth about his decline as they could know longer call it mis or dis-information.

    • As far as I understand, there are several factions to the party that sometimes work together and sometimes fight each other. This is why the current regime seems so choppy, contradictory, and incoherent.
      This poor performance could be from one faction flexing their muscles to get something they’ve been denied – a public demonstration of how they can screw the party if they don’t get what they want.
      They don’t care about us, why would they care about each other or him?

  2. Obiden served his masters well and allowed them to make trillions from his treason. Seems kinda late to change the nominee, but nothing would surprise me. Sucks to be Kam lol.

  3. These days there is little difference between ‘Conspiracy Theories’ and ‘Spoilers’.
    In fact, the difference seems to be down to about 1 week.

  4. You know we are effed when our choices are Biden or Trump. The light from effed won’t reach us for over a year. Biden needs to be put in a home and the Donald isn’t far behind him. TPTB don’t want Trump because he is too independent and won’t do the bidding of the bankers and CEO’s, just like JFK and we know what happened to him.

    Next question is who to replace them with that is a viable candidate? Kamala Harris is about the same as Hillary Clinton, she was not a viable candidate. Which is the reason Trump won in the first place because voters hated her more than they hated Trump. How a guy can get elected after being recorded saying ‘…just grab them by the pussy…’ is beyond me. Sounds like something I would say, not a presidential candidate.

    We are to the point where the government can’t pay the interest on the debt. We don’t get the government we want; we get the one we deserve. BOHICA.

  5. dementia patients are often stubborn and sometimes vehement that nothing is wrong w/ them. maybe joe refused the dope? idk but the dump joe order came from the top or the cnn dopes would have said biden was greatest debater ever etc. hillary, and newsome for vp is my prediction. technically its still up to the delegates at the convention to decide. they can vote in anybody they want. hakeem jeffries is the sleeper to be watched. he looked awful today though, might have health problems. the dems aren’t concerned with elect-ability, the fix is in.

  6. Newsom might be a “pretty boy” face, to queers, but his destruction of “commiefornia” would never help him, nationally….
    “Hill the Hut” would lose again…NO BODY likes her.
    The “Kackeler”…give me a break…worse than the “Hut”…
    The more they say “Moochella” doesn’t want it, or won’t do it, tells me it’s a very real probability, “It”, will be the one that faces off with Trump…
    Think about it, there’s No One else that has notability, or any kind of a track record politically, I can think of, that could pull it off for them…
    “Moochella” or “Big Mike” doesn’t have any of these qualities either, BUT for that “Entity” they’ll over look all that, ’cause the real brains will be the “Boy”…His fourth and fifth term…respectively. I refer to him as a “Boy” not due to racism, but because he’s a mental midget, a scoundrel, a marxist, and a Destroyer of nations…he could “NEVER” stand among the “Men” who’ve born, inspired, and grown nations…*****
    * (Sound of the microphone being dropped)

  7. The day after the debate old Joey and the Worst Lady attended a rally. She’s up there telling everyone how great and wonderful and strong he is. But when you look at Biden’s face he looks like he is scared shit less. As if he is about ready to cry. He has his hands bear his crotch as if to ward off a kick.
    This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed this. On June 6 he was in Normandy France. He had jyst gotten out of one of the armoured Suburbans they use. He’s standing there in the same exact pose. Hands down at his crotch. A very confused look on his face. Then all of a sudden people begin clapping. He is startled. He looks to his left as though he is looking for an avenue of escape.
    There is something going on here. At times he appears terrified. Other times he is confused and totally unaware of where he is at.
    I’ve never liked this guy. I’ve watched him since he was first elected to the Senate. He has no accomplishments other then those fictions he makes up. He isn’t all that smart.
    But in certain circumstances he has served a purpose. Like Impeachment insurance for an individual who is not a citizen. And now he has fronted for the third term of that same individual.
    Remember. The Democrats have always been evil. They fought a civil war to try and keep slavery as an institution. They are the party of segregation and the Klu Klux Klan. These days most of them support the HAMASHOLES and are antisemitic. They have never believed in this Republic and demand and seek ways to obtain absolute power over the people of this country. Their slogan has been for years. ” By any means necessary”.


    I think they let Thursday happen because they figured they’d rather take their chances with that, than try to pretend the unpretendable.

    If he could have dragged it out until November 10th or so, this wouldn’t be happeneing.

    But the wind in their sails finally died this Spring, and there’s no fixing that.
    They had to face the least unpalatable choice.

    But it was by force majeur, not conscious and hoped-for choice.

    What they do next determines which world we’re living in.

    FWIW, the Speaker should announce Monday morning he’s suspending all Congressional meetings and movement and voting in the HOUSE indefinitely, until the Cabinet installs someone functionally competent in the Oval Office. The only exception will be 18-hours-a-day governmental oversight hearings into Biden’s fitness, the cover-ups of that, and who’s been running the executive branch every minute since 1/20/2020, telecast live all day, six days a week, followed by the referrals for prosecution, and the impeachment trials for the Veep and entire Cabinet, and the public interrogations and waterboardings of everyone in the White House above the level of janitorial staff – including every member of the Secret Service, on pain of contempt and imprisonment – complicit in the soft coup for treason and conspiracy.

    Shut the entire federal government down, turn a blowtorch to their faces, call their bluff all in, dare them to ignore that, and it all comes tumbling down on their heads.

  9. Problem is, they cannot just replace him. He is the dem candidate and he has the delagate’s. He either has to release them, or, they demand he does.
    The first baby sitter, Jill, loves her position, think she will give up easily?

    • The only two options are removal by invoking the 25th Amendment. Or old Joey assuming room temperature. He has the primary delegates wrapped up. And three swing states have rules that prevent candidates from being swapped out. The fellow from Kenya now finds himself in a conundrum of his own making. He has painted himself into a very tight corner.

  10. There is only so much prepping you can do. So much polishing a dog turd that is effective.

    Biden may well be past those points.

  11. Most of the Sunday morning political shows said ‘That wasn’t Joe Biden – He had a bad night.’

    I propose a do-over. Within the next three days so Biden’s preps are still in effect. Trump I’m sure would accept. He isn’t the person to decline live action.

    Same rules – same moderators. Ask questions that weren’t asked before. All that is required is both candidates showing up.

    That should settle the fears quickly. Is his brain working or not ?

  12. No matter what the talking heads at the MSM say, or don’t say. No matter how “panicked” the DNC and its donors are. What the debate did was show the American people that there is an empty suit in the Oval Office. The vast majority of the populace are not like us. They haven’t challenged the MSM/democrat narrative. But now you have an entire country that has realized that the president isn’t in charge, and hasn’t been for some time. WHO’S running the country? WHO’S making the decisions? Not Joe, that’s for sure.

    The other thing I’m curious about is who in the hell were the 30% of the people that watched the debate and thought Biden won? Have you really got that large a number of STUPID people living in your country?

    • They want this train wreck out of the way early. They hope everyone will forget like Joe by November. What is scary is 33% of the people poll said Joe won the debate. So, the Democrats will vote for him no matter what. It is the Independents in the swing states that will decide this election. I also read that the Dems are hoping the Judge in New York will save them and send Trump to prison next month.

  13. If I was not so nice I’d ask “How long before he dies in his sleep and it’s all ‘No one saw that coming'”, but I’m nice so will not ask it.

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