Glock Performance Trigger

I had decided I was gonna go ahead and tweak out one of my Glocks, and I pretyy much did everything I wanted to it. However, the last item..the final piece…came together today. I didn’t want a ‘match’ trigger for a pistol that is ostensibly for a more informal use. The new Glock Performance Trigger seemed to be getting good reviews, and the fact that it’s made by the people who made the gun itself carries a bit of weight.

So, the trigger arrived today. Took about ten minutes for me to put it in because it has been a while since I did enough of a detail strip on a Glock to have to drive a couple pins. But, its pretty simple…punch out the pins, remove the locking block, remove the slide release, remove the trigger, replace trigger, reassemble. Is the trigger better? Quite. The trigger pull doesn’t feel different, but the way it breaks and moves is much improved. It has far less stacking and creep. It’s rather like a two-stage military trigger…takeup and then break, with greatly reduced travel. I rather like it. Is it worth a hundred bucks? I don’t know… I mean, how good a trigger do you need for minute-of-bad-guy at seven yards? But then again, on the two-way shooting range I’ll take whatever unfair advantage I can  give myself.

Just dry firing right now, but I’ll take it out this weekend and put it through its paces. So far, though….thumbs up.

ETA: Just occurred to me that this pistol is just a muzzle comp away from being a Roland Special variant.

10 thoughts on “Glock Performance Trigger

  1. Nice!

    My weirdo hipster ban state gun is an HK45c with be LEM trigger. For my admittedly kinda unique set of desires it might just be the perfect duty/ nightstand type handgun.

      • It gives me a few things:

        – .45 cuz well if I’m gonna have 10 might as well have big ones.

        – A universal operating system.

        – A hammer to pin down on reholstering.

        – A very easy to shoot well and consistent trigger.

        – An Uber reliable/ durable platform.

        Downside of course is logistics but I didn’t sell my Glock 19 so there is that.

        • Oh, Im not critical of your choice…its jus such an uncommon one. Other than Call Of Duty geeks and HK fanboys, I have seen exactly one HKUSP in the wild actually being carried by someone. Fine guns, just an uncommon choice.

          ETA: I misread your comment and thought you said USP. But, HK is still an outlier.

  2. I settled on the Sig P320.45 ACP Compact. It has the best out-of-the-box trigger for a striker-fired gun that I’ve found. Gray

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