Article – ‘I feel terrified’: Inventor of ‘Glock switch’ technology says he regrets creation

When Jorge Leon invented at the age of 22 a small device that turns Glock pistols into fully automatic weapons, he said he intended it to be used for the good of society, to help the military and police in his native country of Venezuela.

But 26 years after being granted a U.S. patent for his “fire selector system,” U.S. law enforcement officials say his creation is flooding the streets of American cities with these outlawed machine guns and many have fallen into the hands of teenage criminals indiscriminately using them to wreak havoc on communities both large and small.

“After seeing and reading about all those deaths, those unnecessary deaths of youngsters, of police officers, of broken families, I don’t feel nice about that, I don’t feel good,” Leon, now 59, told ABC News. “I regret filing that patent because … my technology, which was very well protected at that time, is free for everybody.”

It’s not that I’m a person prone to being suspicious, but rather that I “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.” The article here makes the case that the Glock pistol is inherently flawed in that it is easy to convert it to full-happy by the addition of a simple ‘drop-in’ part. The recourse, the article goes on to say, is to force Glock to re-design it’s product to prevent the easy installation of such devices.

Ok, lets look at that more closely. First step, whip the public into a frenzy over the perceived issue and put out a proposal to solve it. In this case the issue is illegal full auto Glocks and the solution is to force a redesign. Second step, ?????. Third step, neutered 10-shot Glocks.

What I mean by all that is that let’s say that, by some bizarre political or legal machination, they actually force Glock to make a change to all subsequent products to prevent the ‘easy’ conversion to full auto. What happens to the millions of Glocks out there that pre-date that design change? Hmmm. Well, a full-auto gun is fairly useless if it can only hold ten rounds, so a magazine ban seems a ‘reasonable, commonsense’ way to ‘de-fang’ the older ‘readily convertible’ Glocks. Or they get redefined as ‘machine guns’ because of their ‘readily convertible’ nature. Or there’s a national recall to existing guns to have them altered to the new design. Or..or…or.

Point is, if they whip up enough hysteria, which this article seems designed to do, it’ll create the casus belli needed to ‘do something’ about that ‘Glock problem’. You have to demonize something (or someone) in the eyes of the public so that when you do come down hard on it, everyone nods their head and says ‘Well, yes, of course.’ We saw this with the Assault Weapons Ban. Folks were buying AR’s and AK’s for years before the media suddenly made the ‘evil black rifle’ into the new cause celebre for the gun prohibition movement.

But, maybe I’m just seeing boogeymen where none exist. It’s possible…Im often wrong about these things.


11 thoughts on “Article – ‘I feel terrified’: Inventor of ‘Glock switch’ technology says he regrets creation

  1. The bottom line is the morons that are making bad press for it can’t shoot, so they need the switch to actually shoot someone. And 90 percent of this problem is the inner cities where regular joes carrying is against the law.

  2. It seems like most of this flooding is coming from our chin OveRloRds.

    Wouldn’t it be prudent to start there?

    Nah, it’s too difficult apparently because Christians In Action likes the chaos.

  3. It’s a demographics problem rather than a “switch” problem. 70% of the violent crime is committed by 13% of the population. Google AI said that if 13% of a ranchers cattle were misbehaving, they should be isolated or culled from the herd.

  4. I don’t think these idiots can hit shit with full auto Glocks. After the first round or two they are just spraying into the air. Probably safer for the guy they are shooting at then semi auto. However those rounds go somewhere so more dangerous than semi auto by sheer quantity of fire.

  5. Crocodile-tear b.s from Leon.

    Call me when he donates all proceeds from his patents, including retroactively, to charity.

    Which will happen when monkeys fly outta my butt.

    He’s the socialist product of a socialist system, crying about bad people using a morally inert item for bad things.

    Play the Price Is Right Womp!Womp! sad trombone music, and tell him to STFU and go back to his soccer game on the TV. As noted, this is just grist to mill into More Gun Control by the Usual Suspects.

    Like Nobel, and Winchester’s crazy widow, he’s looking for sympathy points from the perennially butt-hurt. If he was truly remorseful, he’d make ironclad fiduciary amends, and then go kill himself immediately by way of sincere apology.

    Kindly update the post when that happens. My chips are on “Never.”

  6. Commander:
    Don’t complain about politicians – if they can’t spread lies and fear, what are they for?
    Wow – I didn’t think I could get that out without bursting out laughing…


  7. “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”.

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