Range music

Years ago I decided to finally splurge and update to electronic earmuffs for range use. The technology keeps leaping forward and the set I purchased also have Bluetooth. My earmuffs pair to my phone so I can answer phone calls and receive alerts while I am shooting. But…I can also play music. AC/DC is normally as metal as I get, but listening to Sabaton while running rifle drills is pretty fun.

The band’s main lyrical themes are based on war, historical battles, and acts of heroism, influenced by bands such as Iron Maiden.[51] Their name is a reference to the sabaton, a form of medieval foot armor. The armor and battle theme is heard in most songs on almost every album except Metalizer. In their albums The Great War and The War To End All Wars, which were released on 19 July 2019 and 4 March 2022, all the songs were based on World War I. Lyrical content drawn from World War I, World War II and other historical conflicts is prevalent and lyrics often recite stories of heroic deeds by men, women, and armies, such as the song “White Death”, honoring legendary Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä.

7 thoughts on “Range music

  1. Just seen them in May with Judas Priest. They blew Priest out of the water, NOT even close. Sabaton is now my most favorite heavy metal band. Singer is almost operatic, band is as good as I have ever seen and I’ve been going to concerts for over 50 years now. (yes still have my hearing, abit, with hearing loss. Wear plugs now). The Last Stand and Soldier of Heaven are my favorites. Give them a listen. You won’t regret it.

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