Wrist brace decision

Bad Person gets caught shoplifting. They pay the fine and move on. They then go back to the same store, not having learned their lesson, and engage in the same behaviour, get caught, and get punished. Now taking it personally, they go back to the store at 2am and burn it to the ground for having the audicity to challenge Bad Person’s activities.

I suspect this is going to be ATFE’s reaction to their most recent oopsie. Specifically, after the SCOTUS smackdown on bump stocks, another court has vacated the wrist brace issue.

ATFE is a group of vengeful law-enforcement pariahs who are very focused on their image. To get taken to the woodshed twice in a few weeks is going to do nothing except encourage them to re-assert their dominance. Whats that gonna look like? Beats me…a magazine ban? Increased wait times? A very legalistic and detailed look at exactly what they do have the authority to do and then them doing that dialed up to 11? FFL dealer audits with the intensity of a colonoscopy for everyone?  Beats me. But I know that often times when you make a bully look bad, he gets mad-bull enraged and doesn’t care what its going to cost for him to avenge his hurt ego.

And yet, even though I know ATFE will come up with some sort of revenge plan, much like Nazis executing 100 civilians for each Nazi killed by a partisan, I still smile warmly to myself at the notion of ATFE getting their hand slapped. I just hope Im not one of those 100 civilians marched out into the woods.

7 thoughts on “Wrist brace decision

  1. I can’t think of one positive thing these tax collector’s do for the American people.

  2. They are a bunch of trigger-happy cowboys with qualified immunity, so they like to get airtime with raids like the recent Malinowski murder. They did the Waco raid to get attention for the upcoming budget cycle even though the local sheriff had contact with Koresh a few times. ‘…we just wait ’til he comes into town then catch up with him at the Quickie Mart…’

    Notice they don’t go into the hoods of Chicago, DC, Detroit or Oakland and kick down doors? Too dangerous, and they are cowards.

    • They learned from the last time they showed up in Chitcongo,had a car load of Assault Weapons stolen
      Just had a secret service agent subject of armed robbery and shot at fleeing felon and missed ( reckless endangerment of public,reckless discharge,etc if it was a civilian)

  3. Well we are in June. The SCOTUS calender will find the court in recess until the new term behinds in September. There is still a case winding it’s way through the courts. If this case is won it will revoke the need for a Federal license to sell guns. And depending on the structure of the desicion it could allow for the dismantling of the BATFE. So far I haven’t heard anything nor found any mention in my numerous monthly periodicals about the firearms industry.
    I do know there have been some new lawsuits brought by ComnieMarxocrats Attorney Generals. They are forming a gang to sue the firearms industry into oblivion. One of whom is Michigan’s AG Nasty Nessel.
    The rest of the descions from this term will be released by the end of the month.

  4. I hadn’t thought about this, but I wouldn’t be surprised at something from them.

    I’m glad to be over 200 miles from my IOI, and that there are only 2 of them for a large area. It’s not very likely either will come here, especially since I’ve asked their advice several times.

  5. Work at the ATF and kill Americans without consequences.
    Jobs for psychopaths.

  6. yeah, waco and ruby ridge spring to mind. every time somebody threatens their little kingdom they try to pull off a spectacle that turns into a disaster. look for that, or a big false flag/ fake bust. “look at me, i’m still relevant, don’t cut my funding.” back in the day there was a story circulating about six different agencies all investigating each other in the miami area. can you say redundant?

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