When it rains it pours

As if I hadnt already hemorrhaged enough money with the auction from last week, it appears that there’s more to be had. A coworker asked me if I’d be interested in ‘some reloading stuff’ from the estate of his recently deceased grandfather. Ok fine, I’ll look. Digital scales, Redding powder measures, carbide RCBS pistol sets, lots of powder, plenty of bullets, bullet molds, and, of course, the big-ticket item in todays market: primers.

To add insult to injury, my buddy at the coin shop asked if I had any interest in a S&W Shield EZ. Well, no…not really. Until the numbers starting getting tossed around and it became a case of “at that price it makes no sense to NOT get it.”

When it rains it pours.

I have to take the entire lot of reloading stuff, can’t cherry pick it. I very much want the primers, and the assortment of bullets and gas checks are certainly worth picking up…if I can get it cheap enough.

Hayes Otoupalik told me that when you’ve been in this business long enough, you don’t have to go looking for good deals…the good deals come looking for you. Truth.

In addition to the reloading gear, there might be some guns as well. Judging by the collection of reloading gear, there might be a 9mm, .380., a couple Smith K-frames, a 1911, and some varmint rifles.

I am seriously running out of room for this stuff.


13 thoughts on “When it rains it pours

  1. Running out of room?
    That’s called rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic…….
    Been doing that for years.

  2. :”I am seriously running out of room for this stuff.” A nice problem to have, unless you are at the stage where the pile hides stuff behind where you forget you have it. That can become a huge pita when you need to find it.

    A bit of a knifaholic, I buy knives that were missing a sheath or accessory that I later find. Finding the knife while losing its component during the search can happen if you aren’t careful.

  3. I’ll cry for your “Problem” after I stop laughing.

    As my Grandmother might say “SUCH a Problem”.

    Around here as tax time rolls around more safe queens come out for money.

  4. The K Frame Smiths would make it worth it to me. No gun company can consistently produce revolvers made correctly anymore.

    My pre-2000 revolvers (Smith, Colt, Ruger, etc) work fine. ALL the ones I bought after 2000 all needed to picked out carefully at the gun counter since 4 out of 5 came out of the factory defective.

    S&W quality control is on par with Taurus at this point.

  5. :”I am seriously running out of room for this stuff.” Lemme know and I will get the boys together and mount a serious rescue operation.

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