Auction fever

A long and expensive week. I wound up spending three days closely following an enormous auction of gun stuff. I wound up buying, among other things, 165 stripped AR lowers.

The goal, of course, is to sell the bloody things to finance other projects…like a land purchase. It takes money (usually) to make money, kids. In addition to the AR lowers I also wound up with a mountain of Magpul AR furniture. This was a liquidation of an AR ‘manufacturer’ [really, an AR assembler] partnership, and everything had to go, go,go. In addition to AR parts galore, there was a respectable amount of ammo but the prices were quite high. I did manage to snag 5,000 rounds of Magtech 124 gr. 9mm for myself, so those will wind up going into the Deep Sleep.

Things that I missed? Well, I bid on almost 200 different lots of AR barrels and got beat out on all of them. Also got beat out on a rather healthy supply of Magpul Pmags. But, I did okay on lotsa small stuff…miscellaneous lots of odds-n-ends. Wound up with a bunch of magazines for guns I don’t even own, so I’ll probably dump the on Gunbroker.

In the end, the goal is to get back my initial outlay quickly, and once thats recovered I can take my time with the remaining items.

In the meantime, my living room looks like a warehouse. On the bright side, though, if there’s a 1994-style assault weaons ban in the next few weeks I may become quite well-to-do.

If anyone is interested, here’s the links to the closed auctions:



11 thoughts on “Auction fever

  1. I can not help but think that some one may end up losing their Dog over all the Pistols fitted with Arm Braces.

  2. Out of idle curiosity when you do these various deals how often do you actually come away cash positive and how often does it subsidize you getting some gear/ etc whatever?

    • It’s a bit of both. Let’s take these lowers I purchased as an example. I bought 165 of them for $X. Now, if I sell 100 of them for $X, then I have, basically, 65 ‘free’ ones to do whatever I want with. So, maybe I keep a dozen and sell the rest. Or not. It won’t matter since I have recovered my original capital.

      I will say, I never purchase anything that , if I am unable to sell it , I cannot use for myself or my friends.

      • Cool. Thanks.

        My various wheelings and dealings (much smaller scale than yours) haven’t ever resulted in a cash profit. I did hustle my way into some guns/ gear/ equipment at very good prices.

  3. Huh. I think I actually have a Surplus Ammo lower somewhere on something. My thing lately has been govplanet. That is an entire rabbit hole unto itself.

    “I will say, I never purchase anything that , if I am unable to sell it , I cannot use for myself or my friends.”

    I have enough Rifle Man’s Kits to outfit a platoon, but of course the objective is to make back the initial, make a little profit (to do it again) and have some sets to “hand out” should the FSM proclaim the Day of Noodleation. Same with some medical and solar power gear. That shipping tho’ ouch.

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