Takes money to make money

Just busy this week, thats all. I’m in the midst of an enormous auction of gun stuff that quite possibly might be putting me into stripped AR lowers cheap enough that I might pass them out as Paratus gifts this year. More details on the auction in a few days.

In the meantime, we are forecasting a bit of heat this weekend, so perhaps after what seems like weeks of rain we will finally have a weekend conducive to yardwork.


12 thoughts on “Takes money to make money

    • None. Already have those. But I might keep a few dozen lowers from this purchase on the back burner somewhere just in case.

    • See, the problem there is that if I tell people, then I’ve increased the bidding competition against me.

  1. CZ since you’re getting into cans and SBRs deeper and deeper when are you going to get into night vision? It’s getting into the sub 2k range if you shop around for used.

    I ask as I recently got dual tube nods myself instead of keeping buying guns.

    • Honestly if you are serious about actually fighting people a legit NV setup is way more valuable than a few more guns in the safe.

      • Absolutely true. Without night vision you are handicapped at least 40% of the time. Thermal optics aren’t as versatile as night vision but in their niche they are invaluable.

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