Pro Tip Of The Day

When you leave the vendor’s store with your two shiny new suppressors, and you have a few other things in your arms as well, and you place the suppressors on the back of the truck box while you unlock the truck….don’t forget that they are sitting there. Don’t get in the truck and drive off. Don’t get halfway to your destination, look at the passenger seat and go “hey, where are the suppressors”. Don’t panic and do a Bat-turn, and drive at excessive(!) speeds to retrace your route.

And, lo, there in the middle of the intersection, were my two boxes. Amazingly, not yet run over by traffic and not taken by passerby.

I was not looking forward to the phone call to ATFE if I had lost them.

How panicked was I? My butt was clenched so hard I’m surprised the seat covers didnt get out of the truck with me.

But, you know what? I checked off the last things on my suppressor wish list – .22(x2), .223(x3), .30, 45, 9mm (x2), Uzi. The really painful thing is…I purchased all of those in the last 60 days. $ouch$.

14 thoughts on “Pro Tip Of The Day

    • Go back in the blog to when I got the Silencerco Sparrow. At the time it was the best choice since it was very user serviceable for cleaning. I’ve had it for about ten years now and think its an excellent unit. On my 29″ barreled CZ .22 it sounds like a staplegun. Biggest advantage is how it comes apart for cleaning….22 suppressors are notorious for welding themselves shut with all the filthy debris from .22’s. The sparrow is designed to be taken apart in such a way that even when absolutely filthy you can disassemble it easily.

  1. Oh Man your guardian angel was on point. Very good stroke of luck – we’re glad you found them unharmed. I’ve left some stuff on the street over the years leaving on tool box or rear bumper (NOT supressors !!) but the stupid I felt burns like a mofo. Mainly occurs when leaving house, opening the front gate and forgetting to pick up off the bumper before I leave.

  2. All’s well that ends without you doing a rug dance explaining “Well, wut happened wuz…” in front of some gormless BATFE @$$hole*.

    *(Which, strictly speaking, is every single one of them, since ever, by definition.)

  3. I once drove off with several hundred dollars worth of tools in a tool bag on the tailgate of my truck. No such luck on a happy ending, someone got themselves a nice set of tools. However, in contrast to this, I think I was very fortunate. I can’t imagine having to deal with BATF in such circumstances… Congratulations on the acquisitions and on the recovery. LOL You are blessed and/or one lucky dude. 😉

    I have a dear childhood friend who has a gun shop. About ten years ago we took several cans and subsonic ammo and tested them. Hands down Tactical Solutions, out of Boise ID, cans were the quietest. Small and light, they too can easily be disassembled for cleaning. No regrets, highly recommend.

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