Patriots Day

That stupid annual quandry I always get: is it Patriot’s, Patriots, or Patriots’?

Regardless, today is the day the more historically orthodox of us observe the start of the American Revolution and ponder it’s implications.

Heinlein said that “the price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness.” How do you do that? As a wise man once said, “with heart, faith, and skill.” But it also helps to have a good rifle, the skill to wield it effectively, and the mindset necessary to know when.

I’m trapped in an office today, so no range time today. But, definitely this weekend.

Remember, guys – this nation was founded by a buncha guys with guns who didn’t like paying taxes and being pushed around by .gov. It’s in your national DNA to dig in your heels and say BFYTW. Accept it, embrace it, live it.

8 thoughts on “Patriots Day

    • No idea, man…just saw it somewhere on the interweb and saved it. Try a Google reverse image search.

    • The original painting was done by Don Troiani, one of, if not THE best historical military artists of the last 50 years. As to who replaced the musket in the painting with the AR-15, I have no idea.

  1. Seeing colonists armed with M-16s reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode “The 7th is made up of phantoms” where 3 National Guard soldiers on maneuvers find themselves at the Little Big Horn. After an unsuccessful search for the men, the CO and another officer are standing at the battlefield memorial and see the names of the men on the monument. The last line was the CO saying “If only they could have brought their tank with them, it might have made a difference…”

    • If you enjoy that sort of thing, I highly recommend Harry Turtledove’s “Guns of the south”…
      An interesting story about time travellers bringing the AK47 to the American Civil War.

      And, of course, another classic in that genre is “The Final Countdown” ( ) where an American nuclear aircraft carrier goes back in time to the Pearl Harbor attacks.

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