Needle drop

Did I ever mention my own experiences with the Wuhan Flu?

My Big Boss is out right now with Covid. The other two people I share an office with have had it…more than once. My mini-boss has had it. About 80% of my office, at some point, has had it. So far I have not. And..I’m not vaccinated.

Back in late 2019/early 2020 me and a buddy both got sick for about three weeks. We were miserable. And then came the news that the Chinese had this new virus. I suspect with almost 100% certainty that me and my buddy were one of the ‘early adopters’ of Covid. I distinct;ly remember working at Cabela’s gun counter and we kept bottles of hand sanitizer and wipes on the counter every few feet because ‘theres a really nasty bug going around this winter’. I am certain it was the arrival of Covid.

Since then, I haven’t been sick. No cold, no nothin’.And I dismissed it as a somewhat more virulent version of the flu so I never bothered to get the shot.

For the record, I also don’t get flu shots every year either. I’m reasonably healthy, no comorbidities, am in decent shape, and don’t have any pre-existing conditions. For me, I saw no need to go get a shot that was brand new and without a long track record. I’m not saying vaccines don’t work…I’m just saying I’m not gonna be the ‘early adopter’ who gets batch #0001.

So, I’ve spent the last four years being unvaccinated and not getting sick. I’m no medical expert, and all I have going for me is an opinion, but I think perhaps that ubernasty bug I caught four years ago was The Bug and since then my body has built up some resistance to it. Or I’m just lucky. :::shrug::: All I know is that I never saw the need for a vaccine shot for me so I never got one, and as time has gone by I haven’t regretted it.

I feel bad for people who didnt want to get one but were forced to at the threat of losing their jobs. The ‘vaccinate or else’ crowd has a lot to answer for, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, the whole Covid/Kung Flu experience has been a dress-rehearsal for how to control and clamp down on a population. Fly the flag of ‘health emergency’ and people were lining up to be vaccinated, masked, denied access to healthcare, denied access to grocery stores, denied access to public transport, denied access to…well…everything. It would be a bit intellectually dishonest for me to say that my non-vaccinated status didn’t gave me a bit of satisfaction whenever someone pontificated about how ‘those people’ needed to be brought to heel whether they wanted it or not.

And now…wow..we went from ‘self quarantining’ for 14 days, to a week, to five days, to ‘just stay home if you have a fever’. Hmmm.

The more astute people will say that the current flavor of Covid isnt the same as the one that started all this and therefore the inconsistency in the range of precautions is to be expected. I really can’t respond to that. All I know is that whatever I had four years ago was the last thing that knocked me on my tail and all these ‘new’ variants seem to have passed my unvaxxed butt by.

This has been my experience though. And it was my decision to not get vaccinated. And it was my willingness to accept the consequences of that decision. And I fully recognize that, perhaps, in the long term it was a foolish choice. Or maybe it wasn’t. I guess I won’t know for a while. But I sure am interested in how the narrative has changed so much from what it used to be. It seems like the world basically panicked and threw everything at the wall to see what stuck, and now we’re finding out that perhaps we overreacted. And all it cost us was the economy, jobs, liberty, and vitriol.

But .gov sure made out like a bandit, didn’t they? They got to discover that in addition to using the excuse of ‘security’ and ‘terrorism’, they can now get even better results by claiming ‘health emergency’ and the people will happily accept whatever is imposed on them. Thats the real long-lasting damage from this whole affair, if you ask me.

25 thoughts on “Needle drop

    “Worst flu I’ve ever had”, late December 2019, when no one anywhere had started talking about COVID yet.
    Run-over-by-a-bus sick, projectile vomiting (I can count the total times I’ve puked as an adult on my thumbs).
    Didn’t get sick with anything for the next three-plus years.

    Finally got a seasonal cold or two only within this past year, but not COVID nor the flu either time.

    And it bears noting that we still don’t have an actual vaccine for any strain of COVID.
    Just untested (except on the gullible) Death Jabs.
    Since ever.
    Nobody (AFAIK) is even working on an actual vaccine.
    (Things that make you go “Hmmmmmmm.”)

    And as predicted, the second-, third-, and fourth-order follow-on effects have, in fact, turned out to make the original virus, even when it was within a wet kiss of a 3% fatality rate (right down the fairway for coronaviruses historically, which is 1%-5%), before it started mutating to far less deadly strains, pale to near insignificance by contrast.

    Now it’s about a 0.05% fatality rate when last I looked, about half as virulent as seasonal flu is any year for a century. Anecdotally, where I am, we haven’t even hospitalized anyone for COVID infection of any sort for over a year.

    COVID stopped killing notable numbers of people by early 2021.
    But the Death Jab will keep knocking folks off for the next 50 years.
    And TPTB are STILL pimping it!

    Pile on a fake election or two, a fraudulent president, a teetering economy on the brink of collapse, treasury presses running 24/7 three shifts a day/forever, friskier world powers and multiple wars, and literal millions of Turd World illegal aliens pouring into the country completely unhindered, and COVID wasn’t a patch on the looming disasters we face now, because the original crisis was weaponized by all parties in power for their own ends.

    I’m fine with vaccines. Actual vaccines.
    Being a beta-tester guinea pig for experimental crap, not so much.

    Now people get to learn what second- and subsequent order effects really means, up close and personal.

    But IMHO, I’m not as convinced people are going to fall for “Health Emergency v2.0”, unless it’s something like Ebola, and we see people in the streets dropping like flies and bleeding out the eyeballs.

    I think, like the attempted hijackers after 9/11, the next person who tries the draconian bullsh*t that was done with COVID is going to be dog-piled, beaten to a pulp, and smothered by the weight of people trying to kill them. Then dragged behind a pick-up truck chained by the ankles, drawn, quartered, and burned, with the ashes scattered at sea. Then they’ll go after their families, burn their homes to the ground, and salt their lots so nothing ever grows there again.

    Just to be sure.

    We’re a patient people, and a careless people, especially in happy times. But not so much a gullible people, the second time around.

      • We need REVENGE for the first time. Nuremberg is the adopted legal course for this and ALL have criminal and civil liability for their actions including Trump and .gov bureaucrats , corporate enablers and knownothing civilian syncopaths. Nuremburg and Fraud Statue remove all supposed immunity from prosecution

  2. Reminds me of an old Star Trek (I think, could be some other show) episode where two planets were at war and they had convinced the populations that to avoid the physical destruction of war, they had to show up at disintegrator chambers when the computer said that they had been a casualty. The corruption associated with the COVID 19 response was, and is, disgusting, Also makes me think of Smedley Butler and his comments on war profiteers. Is the COVID response any different?

  3. Yeah, I agree it was the C19 before we even knew about it. I had it in November 19 and it was the worst flu I ever had – 10 days to recover, but still never took that stupid jab.

  4. My wife and I had it back in October of 2020 and didn’t even know it. We had been on a family vacation for almost a week to Missouri. After returning her sister gave blood which at that time the Red Cross checked for Covid antibodies and she had them but had not really felt bad. Two months later for our yearly physicals they checked our blood samples, yep, we had the antibodies also and had not felt sick. Over the next year and a half my wife and I gave blood a few times and each time the Red Cross contacted us saying our blood was classified as “Reactive Plus” and would be used to harvest antibodies to treat others. Neither one of us ever took the jab and won’t, we’re purebloods and staying that way.

  5. Follow the money. Pfizer made $100 billion, with a ‘B’. Politicians are merely puppets for the CEO’s that help themselves to our hard-earned wages with scare tactics and mandates. I did hear the firefighters and policemen who were fired for refusing the vaccine got their jobs back with back pay, we paid for that also.

    • How would you go back to that hostile of a work environment? Should have sued for full pay til retirement then full retirement plus damages. Mid 7 figures and firing of ALL who had illegally commited crimes against them

  6. You made the right decision CZ by refusing the jab. This bioweapon was designed to injure and kill the sheeple who took it and there are dozens of medical professionals who make the same claim. Ever wonder why Congress exempted themselves from this “safe and effective” gene editing monster? Hopefully in the near future, Nuremberg 2.0 will transpire and we will see thousands of Medical Industrial Complex members swinging from a rope.

  7. Aesop said it first, this wasn’t a vaccine. The covid jab was a new mRNA technology that is not completely understood at this point.

    There were 3 us army doctors that pointed out that deaths from about a half dozen conditions were up 300% in the healthy, young military population. They were told to shut up. They blew the whistle to congress and got fired. More pro soccer players collapsed on the field the first year after the shots than in the previous 20 years. Something is clearly wrong, just ask Lebron’s kid.

    The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh was looking at a million plus deaths if the 1-2% fatality numbers were real. They actually had someone smart in charge and they went another way. They handed out kits that had the following:

    Each home kit contained the following: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter.

    Doctors and nurses went door to door explaining how to use the kits and when. They had almost no fatalities from covid.

    This whole covid episode was shady AF. The only good thing is that it opened a lot of peoples’ eyes.

    During the 8 years I was in the US Army, I got vaccines for everything; bubonic plague, yellow fever, etc. They were mandatory, but they were traditional vaccines. Vaccines take weeks usually to get to full effectiveness and we might have been shipped out on a day or twos notice to anywhere and the vaccines in advance were a smart precaution.

    Forcing people to take an untested shot or lose their incomes and careers was nothing short of evil. And now the WHO, world health organization, is trying to get the authority to force countries to do what the WHO tells them to do during “medical emergencies”. Have people learned nothing?

  8. I’m CERTAIN I was a COVID “early adopter” as well. A couple of weeks before the cool kids started pussyfarting about the ‘Rona, I got a dry cough. The following Saturday, I was digging fence post holes. At the end of the day I was more tired than usual. The next day was like “Holy SHIT! Did anyone get the number of that truck???” I called in sick the following day. By the end of the day I felt MUCH better, and went to work the next day. About the only thing I noticed was that I felt fatigue for a few weeks afterward. I was still fully operational though. In the winter of ’22 I got the dry cough again. Soon after, my wife got sick. Then my oldest son. the wife and son tested positive for the ‘Rona, so I tested myself as well. Sure enough, I had the Kung Flu. The next day, I experienced mild cold symptoms. The following day I felt fine. That was the end of it. I did NOT get the clot shot. There was NO WAY I was going to stick something in my arm that had been inadequately tested… if it was tested at all, and rushed to market with the manufacturers receiving full immunity from lawsuits. My over-the-moon, Leftist, self-described “quasi-socialist” mom still FULLY BELIEVES that the clot shot saved the world despite the likes of me who refused it. “This is your brain… This is your brain on Rachael Madcow…”
    …There are some who are just beyond hope…

  9. Work on an ambulance and in my sixties when Covid appeared. With no vaccine, no treatment, and dire predictions for my demise if I got it I had a decision to make. Thankfully there was enough uncontrolled info out there (“You can’t stop the signal Mal!”) to conclude that Covid was only a serious threat to those already unhealthy; I continued to go to work. 8 months later (still no vaccine or treatment) I contracted Covid. Three uncomfortable days later I was helping my son track a deer when I got the test results: I had the death disease but was inexplicably not dying. Still working on the ambulance, still not vaccinated still regularly encounter Covid patients: if I have had Covid again I am unaware. Haven`t called off work since my Covid three years ago.

  10. Ditto here. Was in extended stay place just off the Beltway between DC and Baltimore. In my 60s. Chinese contingent showed up just after Thanksgiving ’19. Sicker than dog Jan/Feb ’20 with something flu-like but not flu-like if that makes sense. Haven’t had a cold or flu since … nor any vaccines or flu shots (with no intention of having any – nor ever going back to that part of the country)

  11. No politics but my experiences.

    Got Covid like Jan 21 without a vaccine. It was the sickest I’ve been in my life beside a time I had pneumonia in both lungs. Had me down for about a week hard and honestly I wasn’t ok for closer to a month.

    Oct 22 I got Covid again with the vaccine. I felt a little under the weather but didn’t even think I was sick. Wouldn’t have tested if a sick kid didn’t test for school.

    Anecdotally my experiences seem to be similar to those of others I know IRL.

    Was it the difference if the vaccine or a different weakened strain of Covid, probably yes to both.

  12. yep, same here. got it in december 19 from my neighbor that worked with some germans here to put in new equipment at his plant. he was ‘nosed as “unknown upper respiratory virus”. and after working in a petri dish aka a military coed college for 18 months of covid as an “essential employee” sans vax, my employer said get the clot shot or else. i or-elsed. never regretted it. still pureblood.

  13. From what we are seeing in my area in peoples republic of Colorado. Most of the folks getting it are vaxxed and boosted multiple times.

  14. The pollen is trying to kill me otherwise I haven’t been sick in years. My wife runs a store in the mall, my niece is a teacher & the grandkids only got a stomach bug. None have had the shot & none have been sick. Stop testing every time you get a sniffle .

  15. Last of Dec. 2019 I got sick with the worst “flu” ever. A friend also had it the same time.

    We were both extremely sick about 3 wks. Both of us close to going to ER thinking we had pneumonia. Both of us stuck it out and began to recover slowly.

    Both of us are sure we had the “rona” before anybody knew what it was.

  16. I’m in my very early 60’s now, have an artificial heart valve (born with a bad aortic valve) and Type II diabetic. I have a couple of issues going. I didn’t want to take the shot, but my boss was an early ‘gotta get the shot’ so I decided to get the 1st two. But no more. It was just to please him so that he would feel that I wasn’t out infecting my coworkers.

    I have been here 30 years and felt I owed him some peace of mind. When I was out for open heart surgery, he continued paying my salary as if I were still in office. Made it far easier to pay off my surgeon / hospital / labs / utility bills because they don’t stop coming in mail when you can’t do a damn thing about it. . I was out for five weeks – I own him that.

    But do I really believe the shots are effective ? I have serious doubts. My number is coming sometime in near future, likely before COVID strikes me down.

  17. “There was NO WAY I was going to stick something in my arm that had been inadequately tested… if it was tested at all, and rushed to market with the manufacturers receiving full immunity from lawsuits.”

    It WAS tested, since an attempt to PATENT IT was done in ’06. That attempt was denied, as the patent group stated it showed none of the attributes of a vaccine, and no good results of acting as such. The only rush was to figure out how to manufacture the vaxx in quantity. BTW, the first patent on that covid19 research was in ’98. Fauci holds at least 160 patents on covid19.

  18. Had a vaccination in early ‘2020 so when asked if I was vaccinated I just said “yes” didn’t tell them it was for tetanus. If you didn’t know it was a bioweapon(Ft Detrick undershot the leathality) in the first week of hysteria you didn’t pay attention in 6th grade science class and slept through NBC training.

  19. Those vaccines were for the sheeple.
    I never got a shot of poison. No way. I take a ton of vitamin supplements. Last time I was sick we in October of 2015. Pretty sure it was norovirus. A cashier at Walmart sneezed on me three times. Next day I was getting sick.
    So back to the stuff that boosts the immune systems.

  20. I am not vacced and had Covid-19 once. It knocked me down pretty good for maybe two days, but that’s it. No long term effects or anything. No way I would take a vaccine now. Do not forget Biden wanted anyone not vaccinated FIRED. He purged thousands of military personnel this way.

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