12 thoughts on “Yeah, but…but…

  1. Few people thought that 3% of the poorly equiped British colonies would defeat the most powerful military in existence. Never underestimate a determined adversary that has God on their side.

    • England didn’t lose to North American colonies,they decided to keep the Indian colonies instead. They were fighting a two front war and decided which to devote resources to. India paid much better so we were kind of let go (not without a fight)

  2. Few realize that the British were operating at the end of a very long supply chain using not so dependable sailing ships to deliver troops and weapons. Communications by the speed of a Sailing Ship or horseback.

    Few realize that Ben Franklin’s greatest assistance to the Rebellion was getting the French to BACK US with French Warships, French Military advisers (General Lafayette we are here, remember that?) and Gold and Military arms and gunpowder for the rebellion.

    Few realize we never repaid the Loans the French gave us for our Revolution.

    Few realize that one of the factors of the French Revolution 1789 to 1799 was the extended debts of supporting our little revolution.

    Please give links to any revolution that succeeded without outside support from a 3rd nations support.

    • The supply chain for the French was longer than the one for the British and I may as well add it was run by the French!
      As for your question how about the French Revolution 1789 to 1799?

    • And the French king sowed the seeds of his own destruction with that aid. He was no ‘friend’ of the colonists – he just hated the British with a burning passion. So when our Glorious Revolution (insurrection?) succeeded, Mr, Lafayette decided to bring his revolutionary fervor home with him. And the king, who once aided the American Revolutionaries, lost his fat head to his own revolutionaries.

  3. “anyone who thinks that the government can be overthrown by a militia, doesn’t know how tanks and jet fighters work”

    (Have you spoken to the Taliban? The Viet Cong? They may have some thoughts you will find instructive.)

    (So. my friend, you believe that tankers NEVER exit their vehicles? Pilots never land? Neither of these are not absolutely dependent upon complex supply chains?)

    (and, Cletus, who delivers your tankers’ and pilots’ food, will NEVER have any family/friends on the dirty end of your tanks and fighter jets? Because, No ONE EVAH! would tamper with the supply chain of (food)(fuel)(ammo)(lubricants)(electricity)(potable water)(and, the beat goes on!)

    • The Viet Cong were backed up by NVA regulars and supplies from the Warsaw Pact arriving in Haiphong harbor who’s ships were spared being sunk by US bombers. They also got supplies from China moving down the HoChi Minh trail.

      The Taliban received supplies and money from their friends in Pakistan and Iran just like they did fighting the Ivans in the 1980’s.

      Resistance also takes organization. The elites crush any attempt by the so called Right to organize branding them racist extremists. The Left wing groups are allowed to organize and disrupt society with impunity and even protection from law enforcement.

      • Russian revolution in 1917 or even the fall of the Soviet Union in 91-92 are examples. The Mexican revolution is another.

        With that said I am sure we can find some small outside assistance even in those revolutions.

        Do not be so naive to think there wouldn’t be outside powers dumping weapons into an internal conflict in the US. China and Russia would see such assistance as benefiting their own national interests for example.

        • You might want to research deeper.

          The Bolshevik revolution was backed by American Bankers, notably the Jewish banker Jacob Schiff. The Russian Revolution was a complex event that involved many people and groups. One of the prominent figures who helped finance the revolution was Jacob Schiff, a German Confederation-born American banker, businessman, and philanthropist .

          The fall of the Soviet Union wasn’t a revolution but the strangely peaceful collapse of the system.

          A little research shows American Bankers and Businesses funded the revolutionary movement in Mexico.

          • Every war has been financed by the Khazarian Mafia for at least the last thousand years. These creatures call themselves “Jews”, but they are not. Heny Ford published a collection of essays titled “The International Jew – The Worlds Formost Problem” that identified some of these internationalists.

          • Whether you realize it or not you just proved my closing statement. It would be no different here, there will always be outside interest in play!!!

  4. No one has ever been able to tell me why some of the most heavily armed people on the planet, would try overture a government by turning up at one building in one city mostly unarmed and without firing a shot.

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