12 thoughts on “Mailbox surprise

  1. Nice. I’ve been looking at those books for a while now however someone had posted on one of the groups that it’s basically a updated version of the now out of print “Failure of Civility” by Mike Garand and Jack Lawson.
    A book series by a guy named Don Shift is peeking my interest, Suburban Defense, Poor Man’s Airforce, Suburban Warfare and a couple of others.
    You’ll have to let us know how it is.

    • I have 3 of the Shift books in print. The rest are on my kindle. I highly. recommend them

  2. Let us know how different the information is from the Civil Defense manuals/phamphlets that were given out by the predecessor of FEMA? Or do these deal with totally different topics?

    • Totally different subjects. The word of Civil Defense in Lawsons books are just a title. They hold no commonality to the old Civil Defense manuals or institution prior to 1990s.

  3. If anyone has seen info/books on how to beat D R ones…..let me know… and their specific capabilities

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