Now is the time to hit the supermarkets for remaindered turkey and associated foods. I hit my local Albertsons and bought way too many of these lovely bacon-wrapped turkey breasts for 1/2 price:
I’ll head to the other two local stores tomorrow and Monday to catch the rest of them as they get marked down. Fortunately I have just barely enough freezer space to get these guys tucked away for later consumption. I’ve eaten turkey out of the deep freeze that was over five years old, so I have absolutely no doubt these guys will get used up at some point.
Is it a bit of work to trot around town hitting all the supermarkets looking for leftovers? Well, a bit….but to me it’s worth it. As a survivalist I try to have everything I need for whatever calamitous event I anticipate. But over the course of a year I wind up using my stove a heck of a lot more than I use my Glock. What I’m saying is, I eat every day…I don’t shoot looters every day. Thus, some emphasis on food is warranted.
What with Bidenflation, it’s a pretty good bet that next years groceries are gonna be more expensive than this years groceries. So…why not stock up? Buy that extra freezer too, ’cause it sure won’t be cheaper next year either.
Survivalism is more than just guns and camo, guys… you know that. The most likely TEOTWAWKIs will be the intimate personal ones….job loss, illness, blizzards, hurricanes, that sorta thing…and when those happen (and they most assuredly will) the odds are pretty good you’ll use a lot more food than you will ammo. Have both, of course, but be realistic: you eat far more often than you shoot.
So, go stock up while there’s bargains to be had.
I swung by the Kroger and picked up some turkey breasts that had been marked down. I’m in the same place as you my freezer are full.
True, so very true. Yes, the leg work has to be put in to garner retail deals of post holiday goods. The grinding up of the economics out there will vastly increase the shopper competition for sales, dated mark downs, and retailers jettisoning merchandise post haste cheaply to generate cash flow. New normal will be fisto cuffs brawls like black Friday t.v. sales octagon battles. Delivery trucks are being taken down and looted as well as flash mob sales events at major corporatist retailers pretty regular like now as it is. Stock those bargains now while we can, as mere shopping forays will become a spicy activity. Clip coupons and stay frosty.
Off topic, but here is a screaming deal on a Mil-Spec Microbest BCG for $70. These are normaly $100 on sale
Here in Western Maryland, I hit up 4 local grocery stores. Not one of them had anything marked down; even the local Save-A-Lot!
Time to fire up pressure canner,a few loads of quarts will free up freezer space and yield shelf stable eats. May also realign stance on small mouth vs large mouth canning jars- much easier to fill and empty/ clean. When storing leave rings on but loosened 1/4 turn to protect lids and prevent rust.
My issue with freezing more meat or anything else for that matter is in the case of extended power outages/ loss of grid your freezer goods are in jeopardy of spoiling of course. I prefer stocking up on sale canned goods and other staples that do not require freezing or even refrigeration. I am in an area where wildlife is plentiful and I feel very confident in harvesting some, at least initially in a SHTF environment, to supply the fresh meat side of things. I can make venison jerky (or raccoon, squirrel, etc) with that but don’t want to rely on that as hunting is always fraught with variable success. ( of course in a SHTF environment all game laws are null and void for the savvy survivalist) .