Article – Tragic story of an Israeli couple who killed 7 Hamas militants to save their children

An Israeli couple has killed seven Hamas militants to save their children after the Hamas fighters came to their home. The woman and her husband were killed too.

Oleh Vyshniakov, Israel’s consul in Ukraine’s Western Region, shared the couple’s story. On his Facebook page.

Adar and Itay Berdychivsky from the Kfar Aza kibbutz both served in the Israeli army as officers and kept weapons at home.

When the militants approached their house, the couple hid their 10-months-old twins in mammad, a reinforced security room required in all new buildings by Israeli law, and returned to wait for the militants in the main house to distract their attention from their children.

I’m sorry the couple didn’t survive their encounter, but if you have to die then there’s probably no more noble way to die….fighting alongside your loved one to protect your other loved ones. Tragic and romantic at the same time. Its almost like the finale of “Mr and Mrs Smith” but with kids. Assuming, of course, this story is true. The first casualty of war and all that.

I’m glad to read that there were people in Israel who had weapons of their own and didn’t hesitate to use them. The overwhelming majority of news stories tend to promote the idea that all these people just meekly stood around like sheep waiting for a bullet in the back of the head. I hope its true.

9 thoughts on “Article – Tragic story of an Israeli couple who killed 7 Hamas militants to save their children

  1. I see the Dementia patient in the White House did his usual drive by news conference.
    Couldn’t understand what he said. Took no questions. Just shuffled off for his afternoon portion of vanilla pudding.

  2. If I had children one of the first things I would do is create a hide for them and a plan for where to meet After and where to go if we did not show up. This applies to any time at school, as well. Go Here, Wait, if we don’t come, Go There. Give them a plan to survive, not await their fate. But yes – back to back, come what may.

  3. One couple did have a panic room. They did survive. The Marxocrat/ Terrorists tried to tear the entire house down to get to them.
    Every article or news report I see is more hideous then the last.

    Reports from the Southern border indicate a huge uptick in Syrian and Pakistani border crosses. You can bet they are all fighting age males.
    It’s quite obvious if this is going to get fixed we will die of old age waiting for the idiots in Washington to do it. We will have to do it. Wonder if the National Dementia Patient has another barbeque scheduled for this weekend.

  4. I was on a UN tour in the Golan Heights in 1984 and the Civilians, at that time, to the best of my knowledge were armed. When did that change? Being from the Great White North where gun bans are a government sport I sympathize with the Israeli’s.

  5. Good news break- check the story of Imbal Lieberman. just to offset the horror elsewhere.

  6. I have to say that final scene of gun play by the Smiths was quite possibly the most unrealistic and stupid exhibition I have ever seen- and from all the dumb gun play Hollywood has inflicted on us more knowledgeable firearms owners that’s saying a lot. Sheesh.

    • Well, to be fair, movies are supposed to be unrealistic and fantastical…otherwise they’d be ‘reality’ and we can see that without spending twelve bucks for popcorn.

  7. Than out spake brave Horatius the captain of the gate
    To every man upon this earth death comith soon or late.
    But what better way to die than facing fearful odds
    For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods.

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