
Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I don’t have much use for health/organic food stores. They’re usually full of Volvo-driving lefties who think that because something is ‘organic’ its worth a 150% price difference over the non-organic.

However….those ‘useful idiots’ can in fact be..well..useful. The local organic place sells bulk foods of various types. Now when I say bulk I mean literally bulk…you go up to a hopper, grab a scoop and start shoveling whatever it is you want into a bag. Thirty different kinds of rice, twenty different kinds of wheat and grain and I cant even begin to guess how many varieties of beans.

But…$0.89/# for ‘organic’ dried corn is just too rich and too stupid for me. So..lets wander up to the customer counter and see what we can make happen. I ask the liberal behind the counter if the dried corn is available in 25# bags. He replies that it is, they’re out, but they’ll have some more in a week. Fair enough. I give him my number and tell him to call me when its in. In the meantime…into the bunker to get a few things ready.

Mylar bags? Yup. Got a stack of ‘em right here. Might need to order up some more from those fine folks at the LDS website.

Buckets? Mmmm…need a couple more buckets. We can haz buckit. A quick trip to Home Depot will fix that. Plenty of bucket lids though.

And then yesterday the phone rings. Stuff is in. I head up there this morning. Four 25# bags of ‘organic dried corn’. Price? $13.11/25#. That’s about fiftytwo cents per pound. A difference of …uhm…well, a big difference from the earlier price of $0.89/#.

That’s 100# of dried corn to stuff down in the bunker along with the 100# of rice. Which, if you know your survivalist nutrition, comes out to 200# of a ‘complete protein’. Complete, sure, but probably nowhere near as tasty as a chicken breast cooked in butter. But…beats being hungry.

So…whats a body to do with 100# of dried corn? The obvious thing that springs to mind is cornmeal and polenta. And, if Im willing to spend the money, I can pick up a grain flaker for a couple hundred bucks. Check it out, man – my own corn flakes! How utterly hardcore would that be? But the majority will be earmarked (get it? ‘ear’marked? Ears of corn…ya see, corn comes on ears and…never mind.) for cornmeal/polenta. And, of course, corn meal opens up a world of delicious possibilities. Corn bread, breakfast cereal, corn batter for frying, various southern redneck entrees and I suppose if I simply rehydrate it I could also do corn chowder and that sort of thing. (Although I have a goodly supply of freezedried corn for that.)

But, the important thing is I’ve got more food to tuck away for that rainy day.

3 thoughts on “Corn

  1. earmarks bring to mind the foolsh games played with the federal spending, sorry didn’t get the ear of corn joke, just got reminded of idiots.

  2. have

    “vac packed” mason jars full with various beans, lentils, rice, and corn. but had problems when vac packing oatmeal and wheat because fungus or mold generated gases and voided the jar lid seals.

    nothing like the feel of a good hot meal versus hunger anyday! Wildflower 08

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