Twenty years of the Bag O’ Tricks

I was rereading some old posts and realized that it was just over twenty years ago I got the bag that I now use as my Bag O’ Tricks(tm). At the time, I opined that the build quality seemed very good and that time would tell in terms of resilience. Well, twenty years has come and gone (ah, youth….), and I’m still here and so is the bag. Both a little worse for the wear, but still capable of carrying on as needed.

The bag is Tactical Tailor’s Three Day Bag. TT has undergone some changes since then and this bag is one of their ‘legacy’ products. There’s a newer version, and maybe I’ll get one just to have an extra. (Interesting to note that my ODG color is not offered.)

How has the bag held up over these two decades? Well, in spots its a bit dirty but who cares about that? Gear is meant to be used, my friend. It has gone on hunting trips, airline flights, been bounced around in trucks, and carried by me almost every work day for the last twenty years. In fact, even though I am at work sitting at a desk staring at three monitors worth of spreadsheets it is sitting behind me in the corner with all my ‘just in case gear’.

In the two decades I have had exactly two problems with it…both were my fault. I got careless and caught a fastex buckle in a closing truck door and broke the buckle. Fortunately a replacement fastex buckle of appropriate size can be found easily. Other than that…this thing is fully intact and ready to roll. No stitching has come apart, no seams have torn, no zippers have failed… other than some dirt and grime it’s in almost perfect condition.

I know that I’m not alone in having a bag like this, full of items and gear that might come in handy in a crisis, among survivalists. Some are more discreet, some less. Over the years I can tell you that I have learned that there are some features or qualities that are very much worth having.

A good, rock-solid carry/drag handle on the top of the bag is a must. When that bag is wedged in a vehicle with all your other crap crammed against it, you want something where you can grab and yank as hard as you can and pull it free from the pile. There have been times where I’ve been out hunting and had to clip a carabiner to the handle to affix the bag to a length of paracord to haul it up a cliff. More often than not, I clip (with a carabiner) it to a tie down in the back of the truck to keep it from flying. And, speaking of flying, sometimes you need to wing that sucker up to or over something…and grabbing it by the handle and swinging it like a hammer is sometimes the best way to hit escape velocity.

One of the things I liked about my ancient Dana Design (now Mystery Ranch) pack was that every closure had a secondary method of securing it. Any zippered part had a strap or two going over it so that if the zipper failed you could use the strap to secure least, thats what the guy who designed the bag told me when I bought it from him back in the ’90s. Keep an eye open for that sort of engineering.

While the pack has webbing to attach pockets, I’ve always tried to avoid adding stuff to the outside of the bag. Ideally, I like the bag to be narrower than my shoulders or hips so I can get through doorways and other spaces in a hurry.

Straps need to be at least double- or triple-stitched.

All these features come down to build quality. Every manufacturer makes an ‘assault pack’ or ‘three-day’ backpack and they all usually have the same features. What sets them apart is the build quality. Don’t be afraid to reinforce the gear yourself. When I was a kid I used to have some cheap Jansport (remember them?) backs and I’d reinforce the strap and webbing attachment points with a speed stitcher. That stitcher, by the way, should be in every survivalists tool cabinet….its a handy little geegaw.

The TT bag cost me $110 twenty years ago. The newer version is around a hundred bucks more but, jokes on them, my bag seems to be a buy-once-cry-once that will outlive me.

Conspiracy theory for the day

We are all familiar with the WTF-was-that that was Biden’s performance at the debate the other day, right?

Here’s my theory: the people in the DNC and related machinery desperately want Biden to drop from the race because he’s looking more and more unelectable. Problem is, you can’t fire him..he has to quit. If you fire him, it looks like mutiny and trashes the image of Democratic solidarity in the party.

So…they cut back Biden’s dosage, maybe not prep him as much as they could have, and let him go out there with plenty of rope to hang himself. He does such a lousy job that everyone starts saying maybe it’s time for him to go. Now it doesn’t look bad if they push him out, in fact, it makes the people doing the pushing look like noble heroes. Or Biden takes the opportunity to ‘suddenly’ have a ‘medical issue’ that gives him the ‘peace with honor’ avenue of quitting.

So there you have it.. My conspiracy theory for the recent debate: ‘they’ let Biden hang in the wind to expedite his departure as the nominee.

Or…maybe they really were just that incompetent.

Powder and primers

An acquaintance of mine had brunch with a regional commercial ammo manufacturer the other day. He was told that he should expect primers and powder to become unobtainium by the end of the year due to manufacturers commitments to war production.


My own sources, notably the guys at Black Hills Shooting Supplies, sent out a notice with their most recent catalog saying the major manufacturers are all raising component prices here in the next couple of months and that availability may be uncertain.


Look, it isn’t like primers (and caps, if youre a black powder guy) have been easy or cheap to find in the last couple years. Just expect more of the same. Fortunately, I am part of that crowd that learned a lesson after The Great Primer Scare in the Clinton era and as a result I have about 50k of the things on hand at any given time.

These “I have a friend….” warnings are always to be taken with an enormous grain of salt. But, do we really need a reason to stock up on powder and primers? I got lucky and just bought out an estate that left me with about 12k primers and dang near 40# of assorted powder (including black), and you can be pretty sure I’m just gonna set that back with my personal stash ‘just in case’.

Still Moar Ruger

This time, though, not another 9mm.

Something a little different from the run-of-the-mill cataloged pistol…if you know what to look for.


ETA: Its a Ruger #1740…stainless GP-100 .357 Mag with full underlug five-inch barrel. I am a firm believer that a 5″ barrel revolver is the ideal length. Not too long and front heavy like a 6″, and not so rear-heavy and stubby as a 4″. As a general-purpose do-it-all length, I find the 5″ to be ideal. Finding holsters however…….

Glock Performance Trigger

I had decided I was gonna go ahead and tweak out one of my Glocks, and I pretyy much did everything I wanted to it. However, the last item..the final piece…came together today. I didn’t want a ‘match’ trigger for a pistol that is ostensibly for a more informal use. The new Glock Performance Trigger seemed to be getting good reviews, and the fact that it’s made by the people who made the gun itself carries a bit of weight.

So, the trigger arrived today. Took about ten minutes for me to put it in because it has been a while since I did enough of a detail strip on a Glock to have to drive a couple pins. But, its pretty simple…punch out the pins, remove the locking block, remove the slide release, remove the trigger, replace trigger, reassemble. Is the trigger better? Quite. The trigger pull doesn’t feel different, but the way it breaks and moves is much improved. It has far less stacking and creep. It’s rather like a two-stage military trigger…takeup and then break, with greatly reduced travel. I rather like it. Is it worth a hundred bucks? I don’t know… I mean, how good a trigger do you need for minute-of-bad-guy at seven yards? But then again, on the two-way shooting range I’ll take whatever unfair advantage I can  give myself.

Just dry firing right now, but I’ll take it out this weekend and put it through its paces. So far, though….thumbs up.

ETA: Just occurred to me that this pistol is just a muzzle comp away from being a Roland Special variant.

Article – ‘I feel terrified’: Inventor of ‘Glock switch’ technology says he regrets creation

When Jorge Leon invented at the age of 22 a small device that turns Glock pistols into fully automatic weapons, he said he intended it to be used for the good of society, to help the military and police in his native country of Venezuela.

But 26 years after being granted a U.S. patent for his “fire selector system,” U.S. law enforcement officials say his creation is flooding the streets of American cities with these outlawed machine guns and many have fallen into the hands of teenage criminals indiscriminately using them to wreak havoc on communities both large and small.

“After seeing and reading about all those deaths, those unnecessary deaths of youngsters, of police officers, of broken families, I don’t feel nice about that, I don’t feel good,” Leon, now 59, told ABC News. “I regret filing that patent because … my technology, which was very well protected at that time, is free for everybody.”

It’s not that I’m a person prone to being suspicious, but rather that I “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.” The article here makes the case that the Glock pistol is inherently flawed in that it is easy to convert it to full-happy by the addition of a simple ‘drop-in’ part. The recourse, the article goes on to say, is to force Glock to re-design it’s product to prevent the easy installation of such devices.

Ok, lets look at that more closely. First step, whip the public into a frenzy over the perceived issue and put out a proposal to solve it. In this case the issue is illegal full auto Glocks and the solution is to force a redesign. Second step, ?????. Third step, neutered 10-shot Glocks.

What I mean by all that is that let’s say that, by some bizarre political or legal machination, they actually force Glock to make a change to all subsequent products to prevent the ‘easy’ conversion to full auto. What happens to the millions of Glocks out there that pre-date that design change? Hmmm. Well, a full-auto gun is fairly useless if it can only hold ten rounds, so a magazine ban seems a ‘reasonable, commonsense’ way to ‘de-fang’ the older ‘readily convertible’ Glocks. Or they get redefined as ‘machine guns’ because of their ‘readily convertible’ nature. Or there’s a national recall to existing guns to have them altered to the new design. Or..or…or.

Point is, if they whip up enough hysteria, which this article seems designed to do, it’ll create the casus belli needed to ‘do something’ about that ‘Glock problem’. You have to demonize something (or someone) in the eyes of the public so that when you do come down hard on it, everyone nods their head and says ‘Well, yes, of course.’ We saw this with the Assault Weapons Ban. Folks were buying AR’s and AK’s for years before the media suddenly made the ‘evil black rifle’ into the new cause celebre for the gun prohibition movement.

But, maybe I’m just seeing boogeymen where none exist. It’s possible…Im often wrong about these things.


Range music

Years ago I decided to finally splurge and update to electronic earmuffs for range use. The technology keeps leaping forward and the set I purchased also have Bluetooth. My earmuffs pair to my phone so I can answer phone calls and receive alerts while I am shooting. But…I can also play music. AC/DC is normally as metal as I get, but listening to Sabaton while running rifle drills is pretty fun.

The band’s main lyrical themes are based on war, historical battles, and acts of heroism, influenced by bands such as Iron Maiden.[51] Their name is a reference to the sabaton, a form of medieval foot armor. The armor and battle theme is heard in most songs on almost every album except Metalizer. In their albums The Great War and The War To End All Wars, which were released on 19 July 2019 and 4 March 2022, all the songs were based on World War I. Lyrical content drawn from World War I, World War II and other historical conflicts is prevalent and lyrics often recite stories of heroic deeds by men, women, and armies, such as the song “White Death”, honoring legendary Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä.


Many times the creative wellspring runs a tad dry and I go for the low-hanging fruit which, often, is a gun post. And, evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, I really don’t like doing more than one or two gun posts a week because, as I’ve said before, I don’t think of this as a gun blog but rather a preparedness blog that throws in some gunstuff as it relates to preparedness.

So other than spending stupid amounts of money on boomtoys, whats going on in my brain these days in regards to preparedness?

Well, probably the most front-of-mind thing is the ‘housing crisis’ that seems to dominate the news cycle. The news shows us homeless encampments everywhere, gives us tales of bold squatters ‘seizing’ houses, and stories of people who make what most normal people would think of as ‘very nice incomes’ who somehow still can’t afford a home. Part of me wonders if this isn’t stage-setting for some sort of .gov legislation. After all, it is an election year.

My take on it comes down to this: the non-mentally ill homeless are homeless because they just don’t want to stop huffing spraypaint and get a real job. Squatters need to be dragged out of the house by baseball-bat-wielding family members of the homeowner and given percussive therapy to remind them what happens when you steal. If you make $150,000 a year and cant afford a home, you have a spending problem not an income problem…stop trading up to a new car every three years, stop eating out, stop having kids, and stop looking for homes in areas you can’t afford.

Unfortunately common-sense solutions don’t count for much in this world of abdicated responsibility and imagined oppression.

Survivalism isn’t about changing the world, its about surviving the world. I can’t change the direction things are heading…not really. I can’t repair the hull, but I can make sure I have a lifejacket and warm clothes on as I pre-stage my lifeboat. Watching the news pushes me more and more into believing that the end of the world won’t be as dramatic as something we see in the movies but rather a slow descent into a world of Soviet-style oppression and bleakness, usually in the name of ‘equality’, ‘justice’, or ‘democracy’.

When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed.

I won’t tell you who wrote that because, as a learned, literate, and well-read man of the world, you should know.

I’m very much of the opinion that the classic survivalist scenarios are becoming statistically less likely when compared to some politically-driven economically-based episode of grave outcomes. Guns and ammo are certainly going to be a factor in pulling through that sort of situation, but probably not nearly as much as food and supplies, and definitely not as much as carrying no debt and having a good stash of cash and ‘cash like instruments’ (cough*metals*cough).

Guns are a very  important part of survivalism, but I’m starting to think that their utility, while undeniable, may take a back seat to a pantry full of food and a buried mason jar full of krugerrands. Only time will tell, I suppose, but as I’ve said…I’ve need $50 bills far more often than I’ve needed .50 BMG. But, having both makes me feel safer.

For All Lawful Purposes

A while back I posted that ATFE had made it so that a person could, if so inclined, do some paperwork online rather than through the mail. I hate the ATFE with a passion and I see no reason to change that. But, I hate the idea of being in jail even more. So, I filled out the forms, paid the $200 tax each, and waited. I just got the approvals on both in email today:Yep…..I took this guy:
And did the paperwork (and engraving) to add a Choate side-folder (sent to me by the fine like-minded guys at Choate). The results? Here you go:

The one on the left is surprisingly handy…I mean it is really handy. It’s a comfortable length, carries well, has enough barrel length to give the 9mm a little added oomph, and is just a remarkably handy size, weight, and length for any situation I can envision needing it. It just feels…perfect. The one on the right? Less utility but oodles of ‘cool factor’.

A very valid question to ask would be why not just go with the now-legal-again ‘wrist brace’ and save myself $200 and some headache? Well, a couple reasons…first, I’m already on ‘the list’ for a penny, in for a pound. Second, the SBR status lets me throw a VFG on the front of the thing. And finally, I just figured that in this case I may as well skip the half-measures and just go full retard on this.

How long did the paperwork take? Let me check….49 days. I get Form 3’s back in less than a week but the Form 1’s take seven weeks, it seems. Unfortunately this isnt the end of my having to deal with the goons at ATFE. I still need to give my Uzis the same treatment. But, for now, I’m gonna enjoy taking these to the range and getting the envious looks.


Kicking and screaming into the 21st century

Remember that a while back I decided I was going to tweak out one of my Glocks? Swapped out for a threaded barrel, sent it offer some cerocoating and an RMR cut? Any of that ringing a bell?

Well today I finally got the RCR optic. So…we go from this:To this:

Still remaining, I need to put a nice not-too-light-not-too-creepy trigger in it. (Any suggestions, Tam?) And then…just shoot it until I’m happy with my proficiency. And my Safariland holster fits it, with optic and light, just perfectly….

By the by, if anyone is as big a gear queer as me and is curious, its a Viking Tactics Skirmish Belt with Cobra Belt. IFAK/TQ pouch is by Warrior Poet Supply. And the dual mag pouches are High Speed Gear Double Decker Tacos. Thats it…I didn’t want to clutter things up. This isn’t an end-of-the-world type of setup. I just wanted something for investigating the odd bump in the night or “‘who’s truck is that in the driveway?’ at 130am” sort of rig. Pistol, FAK, and 2 spare AR/Glock mags. Just need to add a flashlight pouch and I’d call it good.

I have almost no experience shooting red dots on pistol, so there’s going to be a bit of a learning curve but I’m optimistic that the benefits will be worth it. Specifically, shooting faster and with better accuracy at those speeds.