Locally, things are starting to ‘re-open’. Restaurants opened last week and today, finally, barbershops. I firmly believe that every business in this town should demand the city refund a prorated amount of the business license fees. The city extorted money from you to allow you to open a business and then they said you can’t open….the reason behind it is irrelevant, you paid for something and the city withheld it…seems like a partial refund is in order.
I’m going to go ahead and keep cutting my own hair and see how long it takes before it just becomes so cocked up that only a visit to a professional will salvage my dignity.
I miss eating out every so often, and I also miss being able to do my banking face-to-face with a teller….but other than that, I haven’t been terribly inconvenienced by business shutdowns. I am, however, probably going to be indirectly affected by it as people without jobs start getting desperate. This is an excellent time to look around and determine whare are the skills that pay the bills in a crisis like this.
I can’t speak for the heavy population centers, but for here, in my quaint little 100,000 person town, it seems like people are getting a bit complacent and things are starting to have a little semblance of calm… no more panic lines at CostCo, most of the grocery shelves are restocked, etc. I think people are getting used to the ‘new normal’ and the sense of urgency and immediate need to ‘do something’ is diminishing. I also have no doubt it’ll get stirred up as soon as the media latches on to some new Kung Flu related item to flog to the public.
All in all, so far, lame apocalypse. Unless you actually catch the Kung Flu. But for me, for now, it’s mostly been a cross between a dress rehearsal for the apocalypse and a controlled experiment/drill.