Will blog for ammo

A pleasant surprise today. A very thoughtful note, and lovely rectangle of green paper with a dead president on it, from a reader. They had some nice words of encouragement and, honestly, it’s always nice to have a couple bucks in hand to throw at the hosting service. So, to that very thoughtful individual, I thank you veddy much.

Sharp-eyed readers will notice that the ‘Donate money to the Bunker Equippage Fund’ button has been absent from the website for the last year or so. The reason is pretty simple – the folks at PayPal don’t take too kindly to people using their service to trade in evil rifle magazines. Thus, they sent me a lovely form letter saying that our relationship must, sadly, come to an end.

But…but…we can still be friends, right?

So what is a person to do if they are feeling generous and want to encourage yours truly to continue polluting the blogosphere with dry humour, NSFW innuendo, and real-time updates of a life lived with a major gun addiction? Not much, it seems.

Normally I put the arm on people for blog-related expenses once every couple years. I throw in some Amazon referral links form time to time to help defray costs, but pretty much any remuneration I receive for blogging is virtually nil. And I’m fine with that, I’m not blogging to pay my grocery bill…I’m blogging because I enjoy it and the Warholian 15-minutes it sometimes brings.


Should you ever feel the spirit move you to do something nice for that guy in Montana who sometimes actually has a post that makes you go “Hmmm….I never thought of that”, and you’re at a loss for ideas, here are some options:

  • An Amazon gift card in email goes a long way towards giving me the ability to get gear to beat up and talk about. I used to keep an Amazon Wish List but it’s really quite a bit of work to update and maintain one, so if you wanna send the Zero some love head over to Amazon’s ‘send gift card via email’ section and send it to zero@commanderzero.com
  • Or, if you’re less about email and more about physical mail, just send something to the PO Box. The address is in the ‘Contact‘ page which is on the menu bar up top somewhere. Cash, silver, gold, mags, other gear, Jennifer Lawrence’s apartment keys, whatever…..

That’s pretty much all there is to say on that except… I very much appreciate the actions of those who, from time to time, send the Zero some tangible encouragement. Good on ya, mates! Thx!

Wisdom from the T-800

Really, these ‘reboots’ and unwanted sequels in The Terminator franchise are getting rather lame. BUT…once in while, there’s a nugget. Such as this:

To be honest, I was a little underwhelmed with the gun room. My own is a bit more…densely populated…than that one. But…I guess they needed to save money for all the CGI.

But the summation of why he has all these guns ‘around’? Spot on.


Ok then

Literally the front page of todays local newspaper:

I have no problem with anyone being a Socialist…or a Communist. Or a Democrat, Muslim, Nationalist, Racist, Sexist, or any other affiliation or belief. After all, you are a sovereign individual and can believe whatever you want. I have no right to tell anyone what to believe in the privacy of their own skull. It’s when you try to impose those beliefs on those who don’t share them…..well, thats when the violence starts. You wanna be a Socialist, go be a Socialist. Get all your Socialist buddies, set up your Socialist commune, and live your Socialist lives. Just don’t force me to live by how you think I should live. And that goes for politics, religion, etc. Ron Paul summed it up nicely as such….

So, no…I don’t think you should shoot people for being Socialists. I think you should shoot people for trying to force Socialism onto people who don’t want it.

Onion storage

Perhaps I haven’t looked as intently as I should, but doesn’t it seem like that among all the canned vegetables out there in the supermarket there is a notable lack of canned onions?

Oh, you can buy a bottle of itty bitty cocktail onions. And you can buy onion powder, onion salt, onion rings, freeze dried onion, dehydrated onion, and that sort of thing…but…no actual canned onions. I can walk down the vegetable aisle and find canned potatoes, canned tomatoes, canned peas, canned green beans, canned corn, canned beets, canned everything…but not onions.

When the apocalypse comes, I need to be able to put some onion on my cheeseburger.

Now, I’m not exactly sure why there seems to be a lack of canned full-sized onions out there but I have some theories. I wonder if, since a whole onion is layers and layers of material, onions are unsuitable for canning because bacteria or air can be trapped inbetween those layers? But…the pressure canning should bring the temperature up high enough to kill anything in the onion, right? Or perhaps the onion loses its flavor as it leeches out into the water used to fill the canning jar, leaving you with a flavorless vegetable.

I suppose I should just break out the All American and some canning jars and see what happens if I try canning a whole onion. But, it is an interesting mystery to me.

So, while I suspect my post-apocalypse cheeseburgers and stir fries will be devoid of onion slices, I can still make my various sauces and whatnot with the dried chopped onions the folks at the LDS cannery so generously make available.

And, for your own edification and amusement, a fairly comprehensive treatise on how to store onions…note that while pickling is mentioned, regular canning is glossed over almost to the point of being not even mentioned.