Friday of Color approaches

The pre-Friday Of Color sales are starting to pop up. Most noteworthy thing I’ve seen so far has been Palmetto pushing Pmags for $8. That’s not bad price, but I think I can do better.

Really, the only things I’m going to be chasing this FOC is AR (and other) mags and AR lowers. Oh, sure, if I can find .223 delivered for a reasonable price I might kick that in the basket too.

Don’t be shy…email me or comment with the best deals you’ve found on preparedness goodies and gun stuff. No point in keeping it all to yourself.


A while back, I purchased an ICOM R6 handheld receiver (scanner). I’d been on the fence about it because even though it was rather affordable at only about $200, it was still a chunk of money for a tightwad like me.

I wanted it because too often I would be somewhere and either come across some sort of accident or other police/rescue activity, or I’d hear sirens (alot of them) in the distance and wonder what was going on. Now, it isn’t necessarily that Im nosy (although I am) but rather if there is some Big Hairy Deal going on somewhere that requires the efforts of a large amount of overcompensated city employees…well…I should probably be aware of it. Chlorine tanker derails? I wanna now…now. Shooting at the Walmart and that side of town is locked down? I need to know. Car fire on the bridge downtown? Need to know. So..I picked up the R6. The R6 is tiny, which has some problems, but fits in my Bag O’ Tricks and runs on AA batts. I did a bit of research and programmed it to cover all the local police/fire channels, FRS, GRMS, and a few other useful frequencies. Sometimes it is very useful to know what other people are doing. Sure, many agencies use encrypted communications these days or some other method of defeating casual listeners like me, but…lets be honest….most cops and firemen will take the easy way out and that means just keying the mic and talking rather than remembering tactical frequencies, protocols, encryption keys, and which button on the Motorola turns off that horrible noise.

Biggest drawback is that because of the thing’s tiny size, alot of buttons do double or triple duty. Programming and navigating through different functions can be challenging with constant references back to the user manual. (Tip: keep the .pdf of the manual in your phone)

Since my bag is expected to get bounced and banged around, I keep the R6 in a little Pelican 1010 Micro case.. keeps everything safe and uncrushed.

One item I splurged on, a year or so after I bought the radio, was a programming cable and software package. Rather than go through the button pushing process, I just hooked the scanner up to my computer and loaded up the frequencies that way. Highly recommend.

Since the R6 runs on AA batts, it fits into my logistics plans nicely. The Pelican case keeps it dry and in one piece. And, when everyone is looking out the windows at all the flashing lights whizzing by on the highway I can get a handle on whats going on around me and adjust my pans accordingly.  Forewarned is forearmed and all that jazz.

Video – The best HK 91 Clones on the market

Thats a bit of a misleading title. To the best of my knowledge, you can count the makers of HK roller-lock clones on one hand… it’s not exactly a broad field.

However, I’ve played with Century, HK, PTR, SWF, Fed Ord, Springfield Armory, and a few others over the last thirty years and the PTR has been my hands down favorite, mainly because of the recent addition of the original G3 mag release, adding a rail, and changing the thread pitch on the muzzle.

Personally, I rather like the FAL. But the FAL has a couple drawbacks for me…not the least of which was price. All guns are a give-n-take in terms of good/bad features. For me, the only real options for a .308 were G3, FAL, M1A, and AR10. When I started throwing numbers into the calculator, the PTR wound up giving me, literally, the most bang for the buck when spare factory mags were $1 each.

If you decide you want to get a G3-pattern, I highly recommend the PTR and would strongly advise staying away from the drunken monkeys that do Century’s gun plumbing.

Entertainment – The Walking Dead

I’ve gotten out of watching TWD regularly. I let the DVR record it and then watch the whole season at once. (And, lemme tell ya, several hours of non-stop post-apocalypse viewing will cure any motivational issues you may have.) Anyway… I decided to go back to watching because TWD did a ‘time jump’ which they do every few seasons. In this case, they leapt ahead six years to give us this:

An utterly adorable 8-year-old with a Colt Python (which she holds better than Rick ever did) and a sword. (And, apparently, it’s still impossible to find a holster that fits a six-inch Python properly.)

There is something a little odd about seeing a tiny kid with a Python, but rationally it makes perfect sense. There’s a scene later in the episode where Michonne has an encounter that had the potential to turn violent. When its resolved peacefully, she turns around to see the kid providing overwatch with her Python. And the kids says: “..Dad would have wanted me to have it. To protect myself and the people I love.” Lovely sentiment and pretty much the reason many of us own guns.

What I’m going to find fascinating to watch is that this character will have absolutely zero normalcy bias. This kid will have been living in zombieland her entire life.. so itwill be interesting to see if they show that in her behavior, relational skills, pragmatism,emotional maturity, etc.

Certainly, what I’ve seen so far is a lot less annoying than Coral* ever was.

From a temporal standpoint, it is my understanding we are now six-years past Ricks last appearance, and Judith was about two when when that happened, so I’m saying it’s about eight years on at this point. And, from the looks of things, ammo is getting scarcer since virtually no one, except the eight-year-old, seems to be throwing bullets around.

*=For the humor-challenged who don’t get the joke, Rick always seems to pronounce Carl as ‘Coral’.

TechSights install

The TechSights I ordered arrived today and, naturally, that means I spent some time getting them mounted on one of the recently acquired Mini-14s.

From a functionality standpoint they seem superior to the Ruger factory sights…the adjustments aren’t as coarse. Only drawback seem to be that the aperature is a tad smaller than what was on the factory sight. This would contribute to accuracy (or what passes for accuracy in a Mini-14) but it would slow down your fast target acquisition. Fortunately, other aperatures are available and I’ll be getting a slightly larger one.

Having used the Tech Sights on the 10/22 rifle, I’m pretty confident these will work out just as well. Obviously I still need to head out to the range and re-sight things, but so far I like what I see.

If you get a set of these, a couple caveats:

  • There are some really small parts. Work over a flat, smooth surface or some other environment that will make finding dropped parts easier
  • It looks intimidating, but following the instructions shows that it isn’t nearly as complex as it looks. Probably took me fifteen minutes and about half of that was looking for a punch and a few other niceties.
  • Trickiest part was putting on a tiny e-clip onto the end of a screw. That’s the part that, if it goes flying, you’re never going to find…so keep a handle on it.

Article – Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades

The Democrats apparently are going to try and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory:

WASHINGTON—Democrats say they will pass the most aggressive gun-control legislation in decades when they become the House majority in January, plans they renewed this week in the aftermath of a mass killing in a California bar.

Their efforts will be spurred by an incoming class of pro-gun-control lawmakers who scored big in Tuesday’s midterm elections, although any measure would likely meet stiff resistance in the GOP-controlled Senate.

Democrats ousted at least 15 House Republicans with “A” National Rifle Association ratings, while the candidates elected to replace them all scored an “F” NRA rating.

Personal touches

Text message:

Him: GLock 21 w/ 4 magazines
Me: Price?
Him: [price]
Me: I’ll take it
Me: Curse you

And that’s when I realized I got so caught up in New Gun Fever I failed to ask some basic questions.. like what Gen Glock? Factory mags? Box-n-docs? Condition?

Now, since I already said I’d take it, I couldn’t then start asking those questions and expecting him to be okay with me changing my price. So..I hoped for the best.

Didn’t do too bad.

First disappointment was that it was a Gen 2… no lightrail. But…hmm..someone put aftermarket fiber optic night sights on there (yes, self luminous). Ok, thats kinda nice. Take it apart and…hmm..a Nowlin replacement recoil assembly. And the magazines all have +2 extensions on them. Hmmm. So what we have here are the signs of someone who took good care of their guns. Let’s see how good…:::peel back the foam from the inside of the gun case::: sure enough, under the foam is the original factory recoil assembly, the receipts from Brownells, and some other useful info. Not too shabby.

I’m not a .45 guy. I have a very nice, very tweaked 1911 and have never felt the need for more than that. And these big frame Glocks never fit my hand. But…this is a nice gun. I’m tempted to keep it, especially since it’ll go nicely with the little G30 I still have sitting here.

But..I’ve no interest in retooling my logistics table. First nice Gen 3 17,17L,19, or 34 that someone wants to trade will wind up taking this thing home.


Where to put the money

What would you sink money into IF you were inclined to put away something for that future ban specifically for resale? I lean towards items that are cheap enough to let me buy lots of them, and that will turnover quickly…like AR mags. (You can check more than one item on this list)

[yop_poll id=”13″]

‘Tis winter

Hmph…snowed the last two days. I guess it’s winter. Time to pull the Filson outta the closet, round up the boots, and find the knit caps.

Elections came and went, an they went about as I expected. But…I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something is making me uneasy about 2020. I think that I’m going to have to keep my eyes open for some investment guns and accessories.  I have a comfortable supply on hand for myself, but there’s always going to be that contingent of people who never thought ahead and will rush to the stores at the last minute to try and buy an AR or a 30-rd magazine. Those short-sighted fools will be my customer base.  And their penance for shortsightedness will be…well..   as much cash as theyre going to be willing to spend for hideously marked up gun related stuff. In 2020 it’ll have been 16 years since the sunset of the Assault Weapons ban. If you couldn’t get your act together in those 16 years to get your gun needs taken care of, then you deserve to pay $500 for a stripped AR lower. Just sayin’.