Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Interesting post over in the Guns community. It lends a bit of validity to my idea that you dont put all your eggs (or guns) in one basket. Fella has a CCW. According to him, he's walking along at night and gets accosted by a homeless guy with a knife. Our guy puts his hand on the butt of his pistol and tells knifeguy to back off or else. Knifeguy exercises better part of valor…and then calls the cops on CCW guy who gets arrested and then has his house entered by the cops (while he is in custody elsewhere) who then take all his other guns. Heck, you can read it for yourself here:
So, unless this poor guy has some LMI's who can give him 'loaners' or has a separate stash of thundertoys elsewhere he is now gunless. Whats interesting to note is that this was out of nowhere…it wasnt ATF storming the place with tanks, it wasnt the UN and FEMA, it was mutant cannibal zombies. It happened in a non-TSHTF situation..just an average day.

Now, Ive been in this situation and lucked out in that I had buddies who were more than happy to loan me duplicates of what was taken. (Another very good reason for standardization…buddy loaned me a Browning P35 and I still had leather, mags, parts, etc, for it.)

Moral of the story: there doesnt have to be a societal upheaval for the cops to find a reason to get into your home. Once there theyre going to see all that 'crazy survivalist' stuff or your 'assault rifles' or your 'anti government literature' and what started as a dog-bites-child complaint or some other crap is going to become a 'Local area police discover weapons cache' sort of thing in the paper.

Resolved: Eggs. Basket. Basket. Basket.

Interesting post over in the Guns community. It lends a bit of validity to my idea that you dont put all your eggs (or guns) in one basket. Fella has a CCW. According to him, he’s walking along at night and gets accosted by a homeless guy with a knife. Our guy puts his hand on the butt of his pistol and tells knifeguy to back off or else. Knifeguy exercises better part of valor…and then calls the cops on CCW guy who gets arrested and then has his house entered by the cops (while he is in custody elsewhere) who then take all his other guns. Heck, you can read it for yourself here:
So, unless this poor guy has some LMI’s who can give him ‘loaners’ or has a separate stash of thundertoys elsewhere he is now gunless. Whats interesting to note is that this was out of nowhere…it wasnt ATF storming the place with tanks, it wasnt the UN and FEMA, it was mutant cannibal zombies. It happened in a non-TSHTF situation..just an average day.

Now, Ive been in this situation and lucked out in that I had buddies who were more than happy to loan me duplicates of what was taken. (Another very good reason for standardization…buddy loaned me a Browning P35 and I still had leather, mags, parts, etc, for it.)

Moral of the story: there doesnt have to be a societal upheaval for the cops to find a reason to get into your home. Once there theyre going to see all that ‘crazy survivalist’ stuff or your ‘assault rifles’ or your ‘anti government literature’ and what started as a dog-bites-child complaint or some other crap is going to become a ‘Local area police discover weapons cache’ sort of thing in the paper.

Resolved: Eggs. Basket. Basket. Basket.

German ponchos, WYNGMREs, Poly .223, MH FDs

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Went down to the Deer Lodge gun show. It was held in the ancient prison there….25' high sandstone walls, lotsa poured concrete, very bunkerish. Picked up a pair of German surplus military ponchos. I like these better than the US ones for a couple reasons. First, the material is a bit heavy-dutier thatn the lightweight nylon stuff on the US model. Yes, it translates into more weight to carry but I think its an acceptable tradeoff for actually staying dry when you use it as a groundsheet or overhead cover. The snaps that run along the ledges are such that both sides ('heads' and 'tails') can be mated to each other so you can come up with some interesting fabrications using multiple ponchos.Another very German touch is that there is a snap in the middle of the poncho that the top of the hood fastens to. This means that when you have the ponch set up as an overhead cover the headhole is closed up and the hood isnt flapping around. … clever. Anyway, they were $13 each and very worth it in my opinion. They'll roll up into a roll the size of a 2-cell D flashlight so the space they take up wont be too bad. A good purchase. Without exhausting the list, in addition to keeping you out of the rain, they can also be used to create sleeping bag bivvy sacks, improvised stretchers, ford rivers by wrapping your pack in one, groundsheet on damp ground, etc, etc, etc. A very versatile piece of gear.
Great news on the Preventing Starvation (And Bowel Activity) front. My contact in the WY NG is going to be coming up for a visit and wants to know if Im still willing to trade for late-production cases of MRE's. Hell yes! 12 meals in an impervious cardboard box that I can throw in the back of a truck and vamoose? Sign me up!
Local gunpimp has some new .223. Polymer case stuff. Picked up a case of 500 rounds and was taken with how light the ammo was. I absolutely do not trust it to work flawlessly but its fairly cheap ($75 retail/500) so I might use it for practice or something while saving the SS109 for that rainy decade.
Still havent gotten around to making that Mountain House order yet. Need a time when Ive got a hundred bucks that isnt doing anything…and that aint very often.

German ponchos, WYNGMREs, Poly .223, MH FDs

Went down to the Deer Lodge gun show. It was held in the ancient prison there….25′ high sandstone walls, lotsa poured concrete, very bunkerish. Picked up a pair of German surplus military ponchos. I like these better than the US ones for a couple reasons. First, the material is a bit heavy-dutier thatn the lightweight nylon stuff on the US model. Yes, it translates into more weight to carry but I think its an acceptable tradeoff for actually staying dry when you use it as a groundsheet or overhead cover. The snaps that run along the ledges are such that both sides (‘heads’ and ‘tails’) can be mated to each other so you can come up with some interesting fabrications using multiple ponchos.Another very German touch is that there is a snap in the middle of the poncho that the top of the hood fastens to. This means that when you have the ponch set up as an overhead cover the headhole is closed up and the hood isnt flapping around. … clever. Anyway, they were $13 each and very worth it in my opinion. They’ll roll up into a roll the size of a 2-cell D flashlight so the space they take up wont be too bad. A good purchase. Without exhausting the list, in addition to keeping you out of the rain, they can also be used to create sleeping bag bivvy sacks, improvised stretchers, ford rivers by wrapping your pack in one, groundsheet on damp ground, etc, etc, etc. A very versatile piece of gear.
Great news on the Preventing Starvation (And Bowel Activity) front. My contact in the WY NG is going to be coming up for a visit and wants to know if Im still willing to trade for late-production cases of MRE’s. Hell yes! 12 meals in an impervious cardboard box that I can throw in the back of a truck and vamoose? Sign me up!
Local gunpimp has some new .223. Polymer case stuff. Picked up a case of 500 rounds and was taken with how light the ammo was. I absolutely do not trust it to work flawlessly but its fairly cheap ($75 retail/500) so I might use it for practice or something while saving the SS109 for that rainy decade.
Still havent gotten around to making that Mountain House order yet. Need a time when Ive got a hundred bucks that isnt doing anything…and that aint very often.


Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Cleaned the AK from shooting it the other day. I really gotta hand it to the Commies, its been almost 60 years and very little has come along to challenge the AK's reliability. Ergonomics suck, accuracy is only so-so, but by god it goes bang every time you pull the trigger.
World sitrep remains relatively unchanged…actually, no, thats not true…I want to say it seems quieter but its probably just a) the media not keeping up with ongoing threats since they arent 'fresh news' any more and b) the threats are shifting from military/terrorist to economic. Actually, theyve always been economic, its just that sometimes its more pronounced than others. Fuel prices seem to have levelled off at the 'high' end of the spectrum but summer tourist season has yet to arrive and that will certainly boost prices a bit. Not that I really have anywhere to go, Im more interested in seeing what effect, if any, it will have on the prices of day-to-day goods (i.e. groceries) that require extensive shipping.
I was cruising around the internet and noticed that alot of people (and outfits) are getting into the cargo container modification game. One website I read said that the US brings in about 9 million of these things every year but only sends back a third of that since its cheaper to leave them at the dock and pay a fee on them than it is to ship them back across the ocean from whence they came. Result is that , at least in coastal areas, you can get containers fairly easily. (Or, as easily as anything involving hauling large objects by truck can be.) While I wouldnt want to live in one year-round on a permanent basis, they seem like an interesting way to make a decent and relatively portable temporary cabin or retreat. Then, of course, theres always my dream which is coating the thing in a few layers of roofing tar to waterproof it and burying the thing in the side of a moutnain.
Havent done any geocaching stuff in a while and I'd really like to. The weather, at some point, is going to be getting better around here and it would be nice to spend the time outdoors in the sticks. Still need to get the topo mapping software I want. Could be verrrrrry handy.
'Good Eats' had an episode on pouch cooking. Basically, you take some food, put it into an aluminum foil envelope, and leave it on the coals to cook. No muss, no fuss. Nice option for when you have to cook on something other than your usual range. I've got a small Volcano cookstove (which I recommend, by the way) and I've cooked pork with onions and pepper in about fifteen minutes this way and it was darn good. As a result, I try to keep a goodly amount of aluminum foil on hand which is a good idea anyway since it has lotsa uses. (Great for lining cookware when camping so you dont have to wash your pots and pans…tear up a few large sheets, fold em over nice and small, and tuck them out of the way for use later.) Come to think of it, I should experiment some more with this method.
Still need to work on emergency lighting options for the bunker
Still need to work on radio communications
Still need to work on more storage options
Still need to do alot of stuff

Cleaned the AK from shooting it the other day. I really gotta hand it to the Commies, its been almost 60 years and very little has come along to challenge the AK’s reliability. Ergonomics suck, accuracy is only so-so, but by god it goes bang every time you pull the trigger.
World sitrep remains relatively unchanged…actually, no, thats not true…I want to say it seems quieter but its probably just a) the media not keeping up with ongoing threats since they arent ‘fresh news’ any more and b) the threats are shifting from military/terrorist to economic. Actually, theyve always been economic, its just that sometimes its more pronounced than others. Fuel prices seem to have levelled off at the ‘high’ end of the spectrum but summer tourist season has yet to arrive and that will certainly boost prices a bit. Not that I really have anywhere to go, Im more interested in seeing what effect, if any, it will have on the prices of day-to-day goods (i.e. groceries) that require extensive shipping.
I was cruising around the internet and noticed that alot of people (and outfits) are getting into the cargo container modification game. One website I read said that the US brings in about 9 million of these things every year but only sends back a third of that since its cheaper to leave them at the dock and pay a fee on them than it is to ship them back across the ocean from whence they came. Result is that , at least in coastal areas, you can get containers fairly easily. (Or, as easily as anything involving hauling large objects by truck can be.) While I wouldnt want to live in one year-round on a permanent basis, they seem like an interesting way to make a decent and relatively portable temporary cabin or retreat. Then, of course, theres always my dream which is coating the thing in a few layers of roofing tar to waterproof it and burying the thing in the side of a moutnain.
Havent done any geocaching stuff in a while and I’d really like to. The weather, at some point, is going to be getting better around here and it would be nice to spend the time outdoors in the sticks. Still need to get the topo mapping software I want. Could be verrrrrry handy.
‘Good Eats’ had an episode on pouch cooking. Basically, you take some food, put it into an aluminum foil envelope, and leave it on the coals to cook. No muss, no fuss. Nice option for when you have to cook on something other than your usual range. I’ve got a small Volcano cookstove (which I recommend, by the way) and I’ve cooked pork with onions and pepper in about fifteen minutes this way and it was darn good. As a result, I try to keep a goodly amount of aluminum foil on hand which is a good idea anyway since it has lotsa uses. (Great for lining cookware when camping so you dont have to wash your pots and pans…tear up a few large sheets, fold em over nice and small, and tuck them out of the way for use later.) Come to think of it, I should experiment some more with this method.
Still need to work on emergency lighting options for the bunker
Still need to work on radio communications
Still need to work on more storage options
Still need to do alot of stuff


Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I hadnt planned on taking the CZ out for a spin yesterday, but one of the LMI and I went shooting and he brought along his .308 to try some loads and I figured I'd bring mine along.

Only shot 20 rounds. Heres how it broke down:

Case: Lapua .308
Bullet: Lapua D6 170 gr.
Primer: CCI BR
Rounds were too long for the magazine and were chambered singly.

Group # Charge 5-shots Remove flyer
1 44.5 gr. Varget No data No data
2 44.5 gr. Varget 1.375″ 1.000″
3 45.0 gr. Varget 1.250″ 1.250″
4 45.5 gr. Varget .600″ 0.500″

Group 1 was hitting the very edge of the paper so groups couldnt be measured since some bullets had struck the backer board rather than the paper. However, if I were to guess, Id say it was about 1.5″ or so. Nothing remarkable.

It should be noted all groups, inc. the best group of .600″ , were shot by my LMI buddy and not me. I wanted to let someone else shoot it to see if it made a difference. I think the results pretty much parralel my own shooting experiences with this gun.

Im not done with the IMR powders though. I think a switch to a more premium bullet (Hornady SST or Sierre MK) along with some more tightly manufactured brass (Lapua or Horn. Match) might make a difference. And, of course, someday I'll get the bloody scope I want. (In a sidenote, the GunPimp told me someone came into his shop and pawned the exact scope I want…so if he defaults on it, the GunPimp said he'd make me a deal on it. Love the Pimp.)

Once I find a load I like I'll have to chronograph it and start doing the ballistics to make a range card and cheat sheet for holdovers and such at various ranges. Goal = 1 MOA out to 600 yards.

I hadnt planned on taking the CZ out for a spin yesterday, but one of the LMI and I went shooting and he brought along his .308 to try some loads and I figured I’d bring mine along.

Only shot 20 rounds. Heres how it broke down:

Case: Lapua .308
Bullet: Lapua D6 170 gr.
Primer: CCI BR
Rounds were too long for the magazine and were chambered singly.

Group # Charge 5-shots Remove flyer
1 44.5 gr. Varget No data No data
2 44.5 gr. Varget 1.375″ 1.000″
3 45.0 gr. Varget 1.250″ 1.250″
4 45.5 gr. Varget .600″ 0.500″

Group 1 was hitting the very edge of the paper so groups couldnt be measured since some bullets had struck the backer board rather than the paper. However, if I were to guess, Id say it was about 1.5″ or so. Nothing remarkable.

It should be noted all groups, inc. the best group of .600″ , were shot by my LMI buddy and not me. I wanted to let someone else shoot it to see if it made a difference. I think the results pretty much parralel my own shooting experiences with this gun.

Im not done with the IMR powders though. I think a switch to a more premium bullet (Hornady SST or Sierre MK) along with some more tightly manufactured brass (Lapua or Horn. Match) might make a difference. And, of course, someday I’ll get the bloody scope I want. (In a sidenote, the GunPimp told me someone came into his shop and pawned the exact scope I want…so if he defaults on it, the GunPimp said he’d make me a deal on it. Love the Pimp.)

Once I find a load I like I’ll have to chronograph it and start doing the ballistics to make a range card and cheat sheet for holdovers and such at various ranges. Goal = 1 MOA out to 600 yards.


Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Saw a lovely Steyr SSG for sale today. Mmmmm…nothing says lovin' like something made in Austria.
Still running the Mountain House menu through my head. My food storage plan has the FD stuff as a long-term storage option and as a supplement to regular food. However, the big advantage to the FD stuff is that I can take a footlocker full of it, stick under the bunk in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and it'll still be edible and reasonably healthy in ten years. Personally, for a short-term crisis I'd rather have 'everyday food' rather than MRE's and FD's…but for something you can put away and forget about, prepare with a minimum of fuss and fuel, and still feel like eating it theyre hard to beat. One weak link in any food storage program is meat..it simply doesnt keep well. And the stuff that does have even a mildly long shelf life (Spam, tuna, Vienna sausage) is to me fairly unappetizing and doesnt lend itself to cooking adventures. The FD meat, on the other hand, is going to be perfect for turning out stew, soups, meat sauces, salads and other dishes that will be prepared exclusively using stored food.
And I get it at a discount. Mmmmm…economy.
Its getting time to put the winter clothing away. Basically, I'll just remove the module from my bag that contains my gloves, hat, neck gaiter, liners, etc. A very convenient way to keep things handy and still have them secure, out of the way and available for use. I will keep a set of gloves in the bag though just because you never know what the hell the weather is going to do around here and it really doesnt have to get too cold to make bike riding a hand-numbing experience.
Know what I look forward to this summer? Driving out into the sticks and daydreaming about real estate. I know that somewhere in this great and glorious state there is a parcel of land with some water on it, far from the interstate, surrounded by wilderness, and far enough out of the way to be cheap enough that it becomes A Possibility. Just gotta go look.

Which reminds me, if any of you guys see anything on the internet (property listing, ads, auctions, etc) that look like it might be something I'd be interested in, lemme know.

Saw a lovely Steyr SSG for sale today. Mmmmm…nothing says lovin’ like something made in Austria.
Still running the Mountain House menu through my head. My food storage plan has the FD stuff as a long-term storage option and as a supplement to regular food. However, the big advantage to the FD stuff is that I can take a footlocker full of it, stick under the bunk in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and it’ll still be edible and reasonably healthy in ten years. Personally, for a short-term crisis I’d rather have ‘everyday food’ rather than MRE’s and FD’s…but for something you can put away and forget about, prepare with a minimum of fuss and fuel, and still feel like eating it theyre hard to beat. One weak link in any food storage program is meat..it simply doesnt keep well. And the stuff that does have even a mildly long shelf life (Spam, tuna, Vienna sausage) is to me fairly unappetizing and doesnt lend itself to cooking adventures. The FD meat, on the other hand, is going to be perfect for turning out stew, soups, meat sauces, salads and other dishes that will be prepared exclusively using stored food.
And I get it at a discount. Mmmmm…economy.
Its getting time to put the winter clothing away. Basically, I’ll just remove the module from my bag that contains my gloves, hat, neck gaiter, liners, etc. A very convenient way to keep things handy and still have them secure, out of the way and available for use. I will keep a set of gloves in the bag though just because you never know what the hell the weather is going to do around here and it really doesnt have to get too cold to make bike riding a hand-numbing experience.
Know what I look forward to this summer? Driving out into the sticks and daydreaming about real estate. I know that somewhere in this great and glorious state there is a parcel of land with some water on it, far from the interstate, surrounded by wilderness, and far enough out of the way to be cheap enough that it becomes A Possibility. Just gotta go look.

Which reminds me, if any of you guys see anything on the internet (property listing, ads, auctions, etc) that look like it might be something I’d be interested in, lemme know.