Finals week, thats why.
So how are things going in the soon-to-be land o’ Biden? One thing I was confident of, a huge slump in the market, failed to materialize (yet) so I’m 0 for 1 on that one. In fact, the market is pretty close to what it was at the beginning of the year, meaning that if you didn’t take advantage of the freefall we had in March you might be kicking yourself now.
On the other hand, one thing I was right about is the continued demand for gun stuff and the resultant shortages (and pricing). Earlier this year I had the opportunity to buy bulk CCI 9mm ammo for $0.15/@ … and oh Crom, how I wish I had the foresight to get a pallet of that stuff. Easy doubling of money. Triple, even. But, if I could read the future Id be sitting on the several hundred thousand acre Rancho Ballistica enjoying the fruits of my prescience and planning (further) regional domination.
So whats going on these days? Well, the ‘easy’ stuff has been pretty much taken care of… basically any preparedness need that can be satisfied by Walmart or CostCo… has been. Whats left is the bigger, more complicated stuff – money in the bank, more metal, and other steps towards increasing my resilience. On top of that, though, I also have to do all the things for ‘normal life’ in case the world doesn’t come to an end. (Although at this stage..hey…what’re the odds? Y’know?)
Everyone seems to have an attitude of “OMG, I can’t wait for 2020 to be over.” But it does not seem to have occurred to them that there is no promise that 2021 is going to be better, in fact, 2021 may be worse. Perhaps even a lot worse. Just because the odometer on 2020 is rolling over doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. It ain’t over until its over..and even then it isn’t over. If you’re thinking about letting your foot off the gas because, whew, we made it thoguh 2020…you’re being foolishly short-sighted.
2021 is still going to have the strong flavor of 2020, but with a few new notes. I’ve got some personal milestones coming up in 2021 so even if the Shanghai Shivers gets under control I still have a tumultuous year to look forward to. So…I keep doing what i’ve been doing – be smart, be careful, plan ahead, weigh options, act strategically. Might be worth doing the same for you.