I was up at Winco last night and, as is my habit, I took a pass through the food storage section they have in the back corner of the building. And…….
Whats missing? Wheat and flour. Also a large amount of rice was missing. So…more signs of the times.
I checked the Preponomicon just to make sure that I’m in the green on most things, but because I’m easily influenced by media I went ahead and went a little past 100% on a few things. I mean, it isn’t going to get cheaper anytime soon..and availability isn’t as certain as it used to be…so why not pick up extra detergent, meat, canned goods, etc.
It’s interesting to stand in line at the checkout and look at other people’s carts. You can kinda read their life’s story by whats in the cart. It was a fun game to figure out who was simply buying their normal quantity of groceries and who was stocking up ‘just in case’. Having been doing this sort of thing for many years, I can get away with just picking up a few ‘onesies’ or ‘twosies’ of something here and there and still be wildly well-supplied.
You know you’re heading for a bumpy ride when the White House has completely given up on denying things and is now saying “Yeah, we have inflation…and you should expect it to get worse.” And, all those price increases? Thats “Putin’s price increases”, “Putin’s oil hikes”, and “Putins market volatility.” Uhm..yeah…because no one apparently has a calendar. This nonsense has been going on since before Putin sent the tanks. But…now there’s a convenient bad guy to hang all the economic pain on.
At this point I really have trouble working up care for anyone who isn’t part of the tribe. It’s a savage and uncaring world out there and I am amazed at the outrage exhibited by people who are just now discovering that in wars people shoot civilians, bomb hospitals, control media, starve people, etc, etc. Thats actually business as usual on a large part of this planet. Heck, anyone who has even the slightest interest in history can easily point out that humans have been unbelievably cruel and hateful to other humans for the entire existence of the race. Oh, sure, be outraged…just don’t be surprised.
In the meantime, as far as Im concerned, worrying less about abroad and worrying more about your own house is the order of the day.