How to lose: New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque
How to win: Sheriff in New Mexico’s most populous county rejects governor’s gun ban, calling it unconstitutional
Just because something is a law does not mean it is good, moral, ethical, or even a smart idea. All it means is that you have to obey it, whether you agree with it or not. Now, if you have a moral objection you can certainly have that opinon but you’re still obligated to follow that law. Which brings us to Heinlein’s great quote:
I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them.
The corollary to this is, of course, that you have to take responsibility for your actions. I break the law a dozen times a day…I cross against the light, I drive a couple miles over the speed limit, I store gasoline in a non-approved containers, etc, etc.
And when I do all those things I do them fully aware of their ‘outlaw’ status and with the full knowledge that there are consequences to my actions and I won’t dispute them at all. I know the ticket price for this particular ride, I am willing to pay it.
This little bit of ‘Irish democracy’ manifests itself all the time. We ignore the rules that we think are stupid, unnecessary, unconstitutional, or just plain bad. Sometimes we can get away with it…like when your AK doesn’t have enough American-made parts to acieve 922(r) compliance….and sometimes we can’t like when that homemade Sten gun goes brrrrrrrrrrrp and the neighbors call the cops.
If I lived in New Mexico, and I was authorized to carry a concealed weapon, I wouldn’t change a single thing about my behavior. I’d continue to be well-heeled and if caught I’d shrug and say “Youre right, I broke the law. Its a dumb law and I disagree with it, but I did it nonetheless.” I’d totally own that.
I’m curious to see how this plays out. It’ll be struck down, of course…no doubt there. But I wonder if the ripples will spread out to have a bigger effect. Stay tuned.