the moment its still anyones ballgame. I need to start planning in case the political tide turns. More mags, couple more guns, more mags.
Surprisingly, no big terrorist event. I wonder if maybe they figured that doing something spectacular, as in Spain, would galvanize people to keep Bush in office since he has a track record of invading two countries and jailing at least one head of government.

The videotape by Bin Laden may be all they could muster up..and if you read the transcripts, it isnt even a trheat..its a ‘leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone’ sort of thing. Sounds like maybe someone has had enough.
Eureaka has a webpage devoted to their several military tents…including a lightweight camouflage one-man model that Im going to have to try and get my hands on.
Need: AR mags, AK mags, P35 mags, FAL mags.

5 thoughts on “

  1. I think you’re right that they knew that doing something would galvanize us in favor of Bush. It’s a psychological game that they understand, but we don’t seem to have much handle on. Bin Laden helps them I think. It’s sort of sticking a finger in the President’s eye: “ha ha, you’ve spent all this time and money trying to do right, and I’m still here sucker!”

  2. I know I don’t! I’ve been feeling anxious for months now. I don’t think I can afford a single stinkin’ full-cap mag.

    Perhaps it’s just as well… less for me to lose when they confiscate it.

  3. I dont have any disposable income..I just dont spend it on wasteful luxuries like bigscreen TV’s, church tithes, trendy clothes, vacations or that sort of thing.

  4. old bin?

    depends on his boss bush sr asks him to do next.wake up folks, next be iran! just watch the funnies unfold. Wildflower

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