Motivational dreaming

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Nothing puts the steam back in your sails and gets your focus back on track like a good old-fashioned zombie dream. Had one last night and today I’m back to getting food and other gear squared away.

Went and picked up another rack of wire shelving the other day at CostCo. What can I say, I need the storage. Although we have a good amount of stuff on hand there is always that little nagging voice in the back of the head that says “Maybe just a little more…” and that little bit more has gotta go somewhere. I don’t mind giving up a bit more space for preps because..y’know…priorities.

The missus will be outta town for a week or two, starting this weekend, so Im going to try and use it as an opportunity to go through a bunch of gear and do some sorting. Why does it require her to be away? Probably because it means a lot of gear and supplies will be laid out in the living room and stacked on every available flat surface for inspection. And that might will take a few days. I am especially motivated to reconcile my spreadsheet of stored food with what is actually in inventory. I try to keep it as tight as possible but sometimes if you can find he clipboard with the list on it you just grab something off the shelf and figure “eh, I’ll make a note of it later”. Yeah, thats gotta stop.

I remember reading something years ago in a magazine about how the biggest threat to your supplies is from looters but the likelihood is that the looters will be yourself or your immediate family that you share space with…grabbing something out of storage because it’s convenient and not replacing it, that sort of thing. I try very hard not to do that but sometimes………….