Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.
These recent militia arrests are telling. On first face they appear to be no different than arresting any other criminal group – group plots something illegal, feds send an informer inside (most likely to agitate things to help build a case), arrests are made, and the feds crow about preventing an ‘impending’ violent act and that they were ‘forced’ to act quickly. Maybe, maybe not. That’s all academic to me … my interest isn’t in the event itself, wrong or right, my interest is in what affect this will have on me after its over.
What are the tangible results of this raid? Well, lets go back to the old investigative technique of asking “who benefits?” The Obama administration, right off the bat, gains the biggest benefit. Since the campaign began there has always been a faction in the Democratic camp saying that there will be great conspiracies and plots against Obama because he’s black. (He’s actually just as white as he is black, but calling him half-white or half-black wouldn’t give his side the same moral currency that calling him black does.) So now the administration can point to these Hutaree clowns and say “See! We told you there were racist plots against us!” The administration can claim victim status, the left triumphantly paints the right as a bunch of cammie-clad redneck racist gun freaks (more than they usually do, anyway), no one squawks when the feds start clamoring for more authority and regulation to stop these threats, and the next thing you know its 1994 redux.
I’ve mentioned this at least twice before – most successful political persecutions start with the dehumanizing and demonization of the target demographic. Almost from the first day of this administration there was the veiled implication that if you opposed the new President you must be a racist, what other reason could there be? Nowadays the implication isn’t even veiled. Those who oppose health care ‘reforms’, bailouts, and other platform main planks must be racists. My usual response to that is to tell the person that their opposition to the policies of George W. Bush must have been because of a racist dislike of white people. Invariably they sputter and say that Im being ridiculous, their opposition was to the policies not the fact that the president was white. I then tell them it’s the same thing here…my dislike of these policies has nothing to do with the color of the guy pushing the policies forward, it has everything to do with the policies. If career sycophant Hillary Clinton had won the nomination, become President and managed to pass this offensive legislation do you think there would be just as much anger and ‘extremist response’? Of course there would, although then theyd just substitute ‘sexist’ for ‘racist’ and otherwise leave the press releases unchanged. How do I know this? Because the closest thing we’ve seen to this level of factional saber-rattling and grassroots guerrillas happened when there was a white redneck in the Oval Office – Slick Willie Clinton. Those same militias, those same talk radio shows, those same ‘conspirators’ were doing the same things that are going on now and doing them for the same reasons…the only difference was the color of the skin of the guy running the show. So, no, it isn’t because he’s black. (Really, its more because he’s Red.) Opposing Obama’s health care reform doesn’t make you a racist any more than opposing Bush’s tax cuts made you a racist.
But, for now, you and I are going to be painted as right-wing racist religious extremists. This is pretty bizarre since Im about as unreligious as you can get and I cant think of anyone I dislike solely based on their skin color. (As I tell people, racism is silly…if you take the time to really get to know and understand someone you can find a much better reason to dislike them.) Getting painted with this brush means that we automatically take a -50 hit to our credibility scores in any discussion. “Oh, don’t listen to him, he’s one of those militia types” or “Yeah, youre only saying that because he’s black. I know how you people think!” (You people?????) And, it follows, once your opinion is disregarded or discounted it’s a lot easier for the other side to start making moves on pet projects.
So whats the immediate fallout from this Hutaree issue? We (meaning those of us on the right-of-center) lose some credibility, our image suffers and we become politically toxic for a little while. Advances in gun control, ‘hate crime’ legislation and increased federal heavyhandedness are now more palatable to the public. I wouldn’t call the Hutaree episode a Reichstag-esque event but it certainly does serve administration causes handily…this one event hits all the hot buttons – gun control, extremisim, ‘domestic terrorism’, racism (since any dislike of the current administration is, apparently, de facto racism these days), etc, etc.
What is there for us to take away from all this? Possible renewed interest and activity in the ‘assault weapons ban’ reinstatement. Certainly a small(?) increase in demand for the usual goodies as people anticipate the possibility of such a reinstatement. And, of course, the next time you take your AR out for a spin you’ll get a queer look from the neighbors as they wonder if maybe youre one of those racist militia types. It’ll be interesting to see what the repercussions of this event will be. Maybe it’ll just quietly pass from the media as they try not to fan the flames of discord. We’ll see.